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The existing State of Emergency (FYI+Comments)
Is Obob really that nutso or just the best troll ever?
Ok ,perhaps I need a scolding , when you spend a lot of time on the internet , linear thought ,or mine was skewed up. So I was wrong on the date.

But one thing that I find very interesting is a total lack of reporting on just exactly what time the release at PGV occurred
It would seem that time is critical for understanding more of this event, and if it isn't given a time line cannot be made?
Seems like it would be nearly #1 on a criteria for accurate reporting
OBOB !!!

Your final line "time is critical for understanding ....Seems like it would be nearly #1 on a criteria for accurate reporting" and your first line "mine was skewed up. So I was wrong on the date." are the reason I wish you would STOP your reporting... You seem to always miss your own #1 criteria... PLEASE BE ACCURATE OR DO NOT REPORT!

Hubby was at work & the Civil Defense announcement came in to the Keaau Evac center very close to the time the grid went down ....sorry they did not call you personally

PERHAPS you should unplug from the web & get the qualifications (most likely a skill set is needed) to be informed to the level that you feel you are entitled to (it seems you feel you should be given information that the emergency crews, employees, civil defense and linemen are not privy to, so you may need a whole lotta skill sets that web surfing has not prepared you for....

Since you just implied that you were so involved in the web on the night of the storm, I'm still thinking you do not even live here...not many had their head in the web that night who live here!

By asking for the time line? Or maybe about the generators?
Have no idea WHAT this is about -
Originally posted by Opihikaobob

By asking for the time line? Or maybe about the generators?

as YOUR timeline with the statement "declared August 7, the day after the hurricane" is 2 days off... So I am not sure how any timeline will help you! BTW Where in this thread is there anything before about generators??? Is this another of your inaccuracies???

PLEASE if you think you need to be more informed, gain the credentials needed for the information you feel you are entitled to, but TRY to maintain YOUR stated "#1 on a criteria for accurate reporting" AND BE ACCURATE OR STOP THIS FEAR MONGERING THAT YOU SEEM TO THINK IS INTERESTING, you are only proving that you seem to have no idea of anything but the false statement you keep making.

I see no way you could live anywhere in Hawaii County and have no clue about some of these facts, like the dates of the Iselle visited us... if you do not live here, why keep acting like you are entitled to this information?
Originally posted by Carey
Have no idea WHAT this is about -
Originally posted by Opihikaobob
By asking for the time line? Or maybe about the generators?
as YOUR timeline with the statement "declared August 7, the day after the hurricane" is 2 days off... So I am not sure how any timeline will help you! BTW Where in this thread is there anything before about generators??? Is this another of your inaccuracies??? PLEASE if you think you need to be more informed, gain the credentials needed for the information you feel you are entitled to, but TRY to maintain YOUR stated "#1 on a criteria for accurate reporting" AND BE ACCURATE OR STOP THIS FEAR MONGERING THAT YOU SEEM TO THINK IS INTERESTING, you are only proving that you seem to have no idea of anything but the false statement you keep making. I see no way you could live anywhere in Hawaii County and have no clue about some of these facts, like the dates of the Iselle visited us... if you do not live here, why keep acting like you are entitled to this information?
[/quote] Carey please look at this post(below in this thread not far above your last post. ) : Posted - 08/22/2014 : 11:48:10 Show Profile Reply with Quote Steam release causes concern Hawaii Tribune Herald 8/21/2014 Extracts from article , with my commentary added in Italics The release, which included hydrogen sulfide.... Blocked roadways prevented the FD hazmat team from reaching the site to take hydrogen sulfide readings and stationary monitors were offline because of power outages. [Abbreviated from here on] staff took measurements with hand held meters..... Mike Kaleikini....... said the 7 staff members were present and didn't report any health impacts (note: in Harry Kim's report he said that they said that they were in fact understaffed the night of 8/6/2014) yada yada yada................................. Later on in the article: With the concentration unclear....... Wind speeds unclear.......... Oliveira speaking: requested PGV speak with Helco about coordinating a plant shut down prior to the arrival of another storm. Civil Defense provided the plant with generators to keep monitors running during power outages. - (stock up batteries & water, etc, before another event) Additionaly the county is planning to conduct a geothermal health study to asses impacts from the plant.

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