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Yeah the status "Destination Experts" wow I have learned alot. I used to always read reviews and postings when I wanted to travel somewhere.
Now that I see how the so called "Destination Experts" well the couple who claim to be respresenting our island actually post and how inacurate they are and at times flat out lie.

I am now questioning any of the things I read from "Destination Experts" from any location in the world. I think from now on I will rely more on actual postings from individuals instead of so called "Destination Experts" whenever we are considering a trip somewhere.

Here is the Pahoa forum on Trip advisor -
I wish we had a real Expert representing our area. No way do I support KathyH or SheaG to do so in a truthful or professional manner. I am appalled on what they are saying about the area athat we call home.


I just noticed a new post was just listed in trip advisors forum that is titled. What is nice about Lower Puna and Pahoa area?

I am curious to see what the "Destination experts" representing our island has to say if anything. More then likely they will not post anything.
Originally posted by Punatic007

This is great, I just love seeing Trip Advisor being exposed for being unregulated, grossly negligent, unethical, damaging to innocent businesses and individuals and so on and on.

In my case Trip Advisor laid out the red carpet for Russian scammers who threatened to write malicious reviews if their extortion needs were not met. It took over a month to even get a response from TA "because they are so busy and can't possibly regulate all posts or inhibit free speech" said their representative on the phone.

With a net worth in the several billions you think they could hire a few more people and set up some guidelines to keep out extortionists and other disingenuous trouble-makers like the damaging KathyH.

I don't know how big of a problem it is, but most folk I know in the tourist industry have either witnessed the gross negligence of Trip Advisor or knew someone they trusted who did.

Now many of the regular posters and those who read Punaweb are now witness as well. Hope that site gets exposed internationally for the fraud it is, and the sooner the better.

I usually do not quote posts in their entirety - just snip the part I want to reply to. But This post is so right on I left it all.

I googled "TA complaints" and found a plethora of similar type complaints. TA may have once been a good idea with valuable information but it has been taken over by scammers and people with very specific agendas. You may say that we who are complaining have an agenda as well.

There are also many lawsuits against TA. The US unfortunately is the main one that does not regulate it much. Many European countries are allowing lawsuits and those lawsuits are being won. Not so much in the US. (I think I noted that before in another thread). What is happening is people are getting fed up and suing the posters individually. When I post there now, I think about it as if someday it had to go to a court of law. I do not know if SheaG or KamaainaK is doing the same. Time will tell eventually.

Because I can not post there now, I can not provide the links that would substantiate my position, and show the fallacy of some of the posts that these two have made. I guess KathyH got what she wanted here and Rob wouldnt provide - complete control and no one to write in opposition to the position.

I am thankful today for those that like Puna, and want to share it with others.

Puna is supported partially by visitors. That is just the way it is. All I ask is for the Destination experts to write factually. I think that is all any one wants.

To that end I started posting more in City Search. I recognize some of our PW'ers there.

The other part of this is the "kids" dont seem to use TA as much - it is too slow for them so I see TA as being on the way out anyway. In the following blog they write that TA is Cluttered and outdated.

Here is a list of what the hipsters are using -

Originally posted by freespirit

I just noticed a new post was just listed in trip advisors forum that is titled. What is nice about Lower Puna and Pahoa area?

I am curious to see what the "Destination experts" representing our island has to say if anything. More then likely they will not post anything.

Well it looks like they are trying to Hijack that forum topic also and make it their own.
I don't think they understand the concept of writing a positive reply to "What is Nice About Lower Puna."

They seem to think it means if you say something nice, it's OK to trash talk Puna in the very same sentence. After the comma.
I'd hate to hear them write an obituary or deliver the eulogy at a funeral. They have no concept of ONLY saying something positive when the occasion calls for it.

It's unbelievable how they dragged the post off topic within hours of it being listed.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
An authentic DE who knows the area would not spell Macu'u Market - with a "C".
Now the lower Puna thread on TA has turned into a 'why we are so great at being DE' thread...sigh.


Lead by example
I see SheaG repeatedly claims to be a good friend of Billy Kenoi and even KathyH brags about knowing someone who knows Billy.
So What???

They both like spreading the lie that you can't drive rental cars on gravel roads, i.e. most of Puna. As someone who has actually rented cars here I know it is complete hogwash. I see tourists driving rental cars on dirt roads every single day. I, too, have asked the rental agencies this specific question and without exception they have told me it is fine. Yet SheaG thinks she knows more about rental cars than the rental car companies! The DE's opinion of themselves is bordering on the delusional.
my hubby is a senior advisor with TA and i am sure he has posted positive things pahoa way and they would not be deleted. not sure why you think this..
I just saw KathyH's last post and I am sick and tired of her crap !!

This is an excerpt from that post :

"That is your choice, but I find it odd, the same as I find it odd that Karmahere wants his private subdivision roads that he pays to maintain and his hood's allegedly clean and unsullied pools to have more and more visitor traffic -- if possible rivaling Hapuna Beach traffic from the enthusiasm I see in his/her posts."

I love my neighborhood and don't mind sharing it.She lives 50 miles from here and doesn't have a clue what goes on here unless she reads it on Punaweb !!
I have never said that the pools are unsullied.

On another note I think we should all go on TripAdvisor and recommend that all tourists rent Harley's and cruise up the scenic roads north of Hilo.Go back and forth over those winding roads over and over !!!

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