Aloha kakahiaka to all.
Of interest, here is a video of the OHA Special Board Meeting in part, which will detail the purpose for the 6-1 vote to recind support of the TMT.
*Note: Starting at 21:14 is acting Chairman, Trustee Ahuna, from Kaua'i making his statement prior to discussion and vote. At 22:47 he details the State Auditor Reports (three over the course of several years), which clearly states the preservation of Mauna Kea and the conditions agreed upon have not been met. Sixteen years (16) of "mismanagement", as per the Auditor reports:
Ahuna made a very powerful statement, and dealt with both facts and emotion in a balanced manner.
This vote will not really make a difference to TMT as permits have already been issued, etc. However, this vote makes a statement that OHA is finally standing with the people, in working towards better management of Mauna Kea, and all public lands (ie. Crown land, ceded land, etc.).
I maintain (as dakine has stated), this is not about TMT alone. This is a very big platform to push forward the effort towards recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Nation and the wrong that was done, and moreso, the Hawaiian people.
OHA operates under the State of Hawaii, thus, is a political entity, as stated by Trustee Collette Machado. For those of us who have little faith in OHA, this perhaps is a turning of the tide, as it were.
Kana'iolowalu (roll commission), potential Federal recognition, Kaka'ako, and other pressing issues that are intertwined with Mauna Kea (and other public trust lands), have become issues of contention due to OHA's overall lack of management. OHA Trutees are finally getting the message:
Enough is enough.
Promises must be kept in order to move forward. Promises already made and broken must be addressed prior to any further agreements. BLNR/DLNR, and the UH have not enforced the existing leases, nor the breach of contract(s) therein.
As our keiki and mo'opuna learn to speak their mind, it is heartwarming to see how times have changed. We were silenced, our Kupuna were silenced (some were beaten for speaking Hawaiian), the keiki today will not be silenced. Right or wrong, at the very least, this issue gave the keiki a platform to speak up without fear of being punished. EO!