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Maui GMO ban overturned
Yes, that was more my "I don't know" : what / how much interest the state or Feds have in GMOs....
Bystander thats exactly what just happened on Maui, read the article in the OP.

Federal law is supposed to supersede state and county laws.

They're working on it.
See also:

"Unhealthy Fixation
The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer."
Who decides if it's safer or not? Funny, plenty of scientists are starting to sing a different tune now that we have experience and history for some hindsight, but just the issue of superweed and superbugs alone should make people pause and consider where this is heading.

That the industry is fighting not to disclose minimal information by labeling, and that's pretty suspect. They're afraid they will sell less of their produce if people knew, and that is pretty telling.
who decides they are unsafe?? corn's corn, a tomato is a tomato... etc.

most GMO's (especially produce) are designed mainly to be decease resistant or for better quality..... just a more modern version of what good old Luther Burbank was doing 100+ years ago... if Burbank knew of GMO's, Im sure he would have been experimenting with the process as well...
superweeds (herbicide resistant) and superbugs (insecticide resistant) are more Monsanto/Roundup/bugspraying related, not GMO per say.... use common sense and separate the two...
contrary to the average Punatic kook, GMO does NOT = Monsanto

common sense will tell you... the ONLY reason the industry DOESNT want mandatory GMO labeling... is because IT WILL HURT their business/bottom line guaranteed! ...ONLY because of ALL of the boneheaded Punatic-like lemmings of the World, who always believe (w/o researching for themselves) all the fear mongering meme BS they read daily ... some of these lemmings are so brainwashed, they will not eat/buy GMO even if they were starving to death... I know, I know, pseudohealthy essential amino acid lacking herbivore wannabie vegans always look 'starved' even if they ate GMO etc. but you know what I mean ...

going against all the pseudo ailments caused by conspiracy nonsense ie smart meters, 'chemtrails' (contrails), gmo, pgv, vaccines, pasteurization, morgellons, meat eating, etc. ..... there IS a reason why people today on average live far longer than any Era of people who ever lived... MODERN SCIENCE!

you live in paradise, have some fun, hike swim exercise, use sunblock, and quite your constant worrying about every G-D thing ...aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Well, I have to disagree. I hear papaya on the big island was engineered to be resistant to disease, but that's not the case with virtually all GMO crops today, which is designed to withstand chemicals that would otherwise kill the plant. Sure, there could be valid use for genetic engineering, but resistance to these chemicals are opening up a whole new can of worms, which is the reasons why many scientists are reconsidering.

Monoculture fields aren't such a great idea either, neither is the business of making money from licensing plants/food.

Problem is, you can't really talk about GMO without talking about the biggest practitioners of the technology...the Monsanto/Syngenta/Bayer/Dows of the world. What's scary is that they don't have a good solution to what comes next, except to use even stronger chemicals in larger quantities.

When is it boneheaded to not to want to eat GMO? And if your business hinges on hiding facts about what you're selling, it doesn't sound like a good business at all. Brainwashed is not questioning what you're being told. It's certainly not accepting a for-profit corporation's claims that you should trust what you're being fed. This science is not conclusive, it's still in the testing stages.

If you want to keep your paradise, you have to be vigilant.

I am curious though, bananahead, what do you think of the people that live next to the GMO seed farms in Kauai? Think they're just psychosomatic loons who are making up the medical conditions they're claiming to suffer?
You are a loon, why don't you try actually reading the link and it will answer all of your questions. No one has the time or inclination to address your many unwarranted fears. Do yourself a favor, read the link and perhaps you will understand kalakoa's link - or why the house voted the way they did.

I know plenty of people in kekaha and waimea that have lived there their entire lives and count themselves blessed to have a good job from a good company. You should inform yourself before talking about issues you clearly have no clue about.
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Money decides everywhere

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