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Rob, what happen here ???
Originally posted by My 2 cents

I am a newbie to Punaweb. Am I allowed to post on this thread?

Limited to 5 posts per day!

You missed a key word in that.

Members are to limit their posts to five per day average.
5 posts per day average.
Pog writes,
"Keep it Puna" yep, I agree. But Puna is still inside the STATE and we all have something to say. Not allowing ( censoring ? ) folks to talk about one of the most controversial Presidential elections of all time on one of the most popular forums on this island reeks of ________ >>> Take your pick"
I pick "relief". Not endorsing either candidate to the point of turning on my fellow Americans, like unfortunately some of my own friends and family members have done , I'm thrilled not to have the topic covered on Punatalk. As I would agree with you, that there is much more whining on this site than in previous years....apply the same to our nation's , opinionated, sniping deliberately divisive media.
Thank you Rob, for this site and keeping it local.
One day we had lunch together and she asked me if I would put up an alternative site

I find that Rob does an excellent job of moderating this site. Perhaps you and other contributors would like to see more oversight on some of the posts made here, and on an alternate site you could do that if you have the time.

A break-off forum was tried before, here's the website from that attempt:

Keep in mind that during the Golden Age of Punaweb (and after), there were members such as The Lack, Damon, airportparking, pog, pahoated, etc. You can search under Members to read some of their contributions. They'll probably be first in line at any new Puna related site.

Best of luck.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
People have tried other Puna-concentric forums before (and there is always City-Data) and they failed to attract enough users generating enough content for the critical mass necessary to sustain itself. Social media groups are slowly replacing web forums like punaweb anyway, I think a lot of the people who have left are getting their "fix" elsewhere. Just my opinion, but I think trying to start an "alternative" to the ones that already exist is like getting mad a BBS sysop in 1994 and trying to start your own FIDOnet, WWIV, or whatever flavor of BBS style was your favorite at the time. Anybody can start a Puna-concentric Facebook group (and there are dozens of them).

As time passes, these dedicated forum groups are going to transition into the category of "historical data". The most popular online forums are monetized, driven by profit, and have active recruitment efforts to replace users that leave and try to always grow their base. One of the reasons why I don't like forums like city-data is because the moderators cater to crying snowflakes who can't handle real life. I remember when they deleted a user's post because it included a picture of the pig they trapped. The photo offended somebody. Again just my opinion but that's not "moderation" that is "censorship". I understand that the forum owners have the absolute right to practice whatever form of censorship that they want, but I don't have to participate in it if I don't want to.

I think that what is going on here, is a reflection of what is going on everywhere. If I comment here about how Florence Henderson died today (may she rest in peace) I run the risk of somebody bringing up the Brady Bunch Hawaii episode where Greg almost died in the surfing accident, and they blamed it on the haunted Tiki Idol they found in a lava tube, and then a Punawebber will compare it to what's going to happen to global warming if TMT desecrates the mountain. Then I'd sit back and laugh at the thread hijacks because in real life GREG DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SURF! The trolls might not hear me getting the last laugh, but its there.

ETA: Peace, not piece. Don't want Florence Henderson to rest in pieces. Unless that's what she wanted.
I don't mind no talking about the recent Presidential election here. Go to any Yahoo news piece about what's going on and read through the comments after. You want to see uncalled for abuse? Take notes for later should you want to sling insults and threaten strangers with various forms of death.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I think whether PW is better or worse now than it was a few years ago is a matter of opinion. I'm probably too new to PW to have an opinion on that, but I am grateful to Rob for providing this forum, and I think he does a fine job of monitoring it. I also recognize that it must take a considerable amount of time for this monitoring, day in and day out, year in and year out, and I suspect that opening it up to state, national, and/or world topics would greatly increase this workload, so I do not blame Rob a bit for not wanting to do it. To that end, I would strongly encourage glinda to proceed with forming a new group. I'm sure you would get followers from here, although I doubt that many of them would stop coming here, so win win.

And again, thanks Rob.
aloha rob let er rip...keep it HAWAII, despense with politically correct...
When minds become offended and you have that feeling to let loose it is hard to remember this verse.

Psalm 19:14King James Version (KJV)

14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

For the PC folk if you drop the O Lord part it still makes some sense.
Slow Walker

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