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Another screwing by the CoH - homeless housing
Originally posted by randomq

Many people can and do live in tents here. The notion that the county is protecting people by making it too expensive or illegal to upgrade to a shack is ludicrous. If they really wanted to help, they would offer their guidelines and inspections as a public service, with no fines or enforcement unless you are endangering adjacent properties.

If you approve it then you are liable for it the best way to keep a civil service job is to look busy till it's time to retire
If they can do HART over there, our homeless should be a piece of cake.

I never thought of it that way: HART is like a 20-mile-long bridge, should be enough room for a few thousand homeless to camp underneath. Brilliant!
should be enough room for a few thousand homeless to camp underneath. Brilliant!

Housing for the poor, as well as maintaining an Upstairs Downstairs class distinction between the haves and have nots. Government at it's most effective, when they can kill multiple times with s single stone. (Then they can also claim they're environmentally recycling the stone)

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
It is pretty sickening to see those buildings disintegrate while nothing is done with them for years. What a waste of effort and materials. Emily gets my appreciation for such a noble goal. People who care and are willing to help are in short supply.
It's important to not forget where you are, there are lots of good caring folk and there are also a lot of scammers and those not to be trusted. That's why we have so many laws and strict building codes. That and the fact that insurance companies threaten to not insure the entire state unless the building codes are insanely strict and to their benefit, not the resident. This is very much NOT a perfect world, humans are quite flawed. Even the wonderful progressive countries of Europe are going down the tubes due to massive immigration.

In a perfect world no one would be homeless because it's not that hard a problem to correct.
kalakoa @ 7:36:34-
Maybe too heavy on sarcasm and irony on my part.
But let Oahu fix it.
What's a few more homeless encampments on Oahu?
Even in plain sight under HART- at least it could be
justified as shelter for the homeless- ??????????????
insurance companies threaten to not insure the entire state unless the building codes are insanely strict and to their benefit

Meanwhile, the existing codes are "selectively enforced". Win-win?

That said: I suggest that if County/State want to enforce "all the codes", they will need to start with "pavement before final plat approval". If they can't/won't do that, then all other codes are merely a "suggestion".

HOPE Services Hawaii has sat on them for six + years and concluded they aren't worth doing...

...but aren't these structures made of wood, and therefore completely worthless?
most so called 'homeless' in Puna and homeless by choice... you have to stay in reality, this aint San Francisco/Portland/Seattle, this is paradise, its always warm, and there is free food and super clean water every where you look.. not to mention the draws that bring visitors, the beaches etc..... easy to live w/o a permanent home in Hawaii, just ask '$500VanDan', he bought a van and drove the island for 6 yrs living wherever he wanted to until the van brokedown and he moved back to the mainland. ALL BY CHOICE! and prob some of the best yrs of his life when he looks back on it all yrs down the road... aloha

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
'$500VanDan', he bought a van and drove the island for 6 yrs living wherever he wanted... ALL BY CHOICE! and prob some of the best yrs of his life

Good point bananahead!
And don't forget to mention what a great career move living homeless in Hawaii can be. Just ask Chris Pratt, star of Guardians of the Galaxy who now makes $20 million a film. He lived in a van in Lahaina while he "just drank and smoked weed and worked minimal hours, 15-20 hours per week, just enough to cover gas, food and fishing supplies. You know, it was a charming time."

I can't wait to see next big Hollywood star who's backstory will include how they started out sleeping on the boardwalk in downtown Pahoa. So many for the talent scouts to choose from.

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOPE Services auction for the housing units is live!

Trinity Church seems to be the leading bidder -

Their Pastor discusses the plan at the link below -

"Ken Smith March 17, 2017 at 11:30 am
In Pahoa, Hawaii there is 23 acres dedicated to the gathering of the Bride of Christ without spot, wrinkle or blemish because of Christ Jesus and HIS teachings. If any one is looking to find a New Testament Christian Community and feels drawn to Hawaii this just might be an answer to the support you are looking for. We are looking for the “Living Stones” to be gathered together and compacted by every needed joint in order to see Christ Jesus lifted up in Love, Holiness and Power. Only in the UNITY of John 17 will we see the KINGDOM on Earth as it is in Heaven. So if interested please contact us for an application. Yours, in HIS great LOVE and wonderful GRACE and MERCY, Ken Smith and Todd Haworth, Elders
If interested:"


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