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"Ohana" vs. "Guest House"

DLNR intends to amend this during the 2017 session such that permits will be required in "flood prone areas" so that we don't miss out on NFIP money.

This probably means a new battle with County's interpretation of "flood prone" ...
"Or if you believe in freedom and America and that our grandparents" (parents) " fought in WWII to STOP facism, then you can build and live in whatever you damn well please on your property!"

Well we have fought a number of wars since then to make sure the average dog is on a longer leash than you are. Including "War on Poverty, Drugs, Crime, Thought"

My generation fought a war against Communism which we seem to have lost in more ways than one.

Zoning was/is the largest wholesale theft in the history of the world. They basically held that opportunity was worthless, and there is no such thing as future value, so they didn't have to compensate for what was taken. When they sell it back to you however, then it has immense value.

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