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Disk rot in Puna
I have a lot of cassette tapes and reckon they are iron oxide?? Scared they going get jammed up in the boom box.
Originally posted by ElysianWort

Little squiggly lines all over the CD. Almost as if a bug crawled through and made them.

Years ago I discovered the same on many of my DVD collection and have been ripping ever since.

Very strange, organic seeming black squiggle trails. I wonder what is actually happening.


I didn't realize how little metal there was in DVDs but it's there (aluminum).
And it can rust, sorry, oxidize. You have to forgive me, I haven't used a DVD in over 10 years.
We still use DVDs bc a)streaming sucks for us and b)most of the movies we want to stream are old movies and are never on the streaming lists. Other major method is DVD record from TCM.
I wonder if painting edge of a DVD or CD with clear nail polish will keep it sealed? Not sure I have anything that would be a tragedy if I lost, but someone might.
I'm curious - how long does nail polish last? It's an interesting idea!

I do have some old DVDs that are treasures and would be difficult or impossible to replace. Given the rapid deterioration of some of my DVDs, I'm probably going to store them at work which is air-conditioned, but so far the treasured ones have survived.
Just back them up already. Terabytes are cheap.
Writable DVDs are more susceptible to disk rot.
No, back them up to a hard drive.

I ripped all my media before moving here because I was pretty sure the jungle would eat it. Kept the originals as my "proof of purchase", even though many of them are now rotten. Was pleasantly surprised that a newer TV (not "smart", but does have USB) would play them, I can even browse the collection with a remote, no need for a streaming device or networking.

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