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If I wasn't banned from TA I'd get on there and explain how evil those two are.
Luckily not many people seem to read the TA forums.

TA advertises vacation rentals too, maybe their members have more clout when complaining about people maliciously ruining their business with their lies.
Originally posted by VancouverIslander

The "DE's" have both left.

Maybe it will be possible to suggest people stay somewhere other than the Mauna Lani without wearing flame retardant.

Snerk! Every time I would ask a question or post something positive about staying in Puna flaming arrows would come my way from those two...
The forum is so much more pleasant now, tourists helping other tourists.
Not the constant "cancel everything and come to Waikaloa!".
I see quite a number of posts from people coming here or wanting to come here and who want to view the lava. I hope it's made easier for them at some point, Hawaii could use the money.
WOW...Well this is interesting...I filed a complaint with TA on 6/4/18 against KK. It was about some of her misleading comments about businesses in Volcano, HPP and Pahoa. One topic was specifically that the town of Volcano was evacuating and to cancel all bookings and re-book in Kona. I couldn’t take it anymore and felt something had to be done. It upset a lot of people so wonder if others complained as well. I did post on her forum that I was going to be filing a a sense to call her out on her BS. I got a resolution email from TA on 6/7/18 but was just a generic thank you for your concerns and that they had removed some of the content that they had posted. I had no idea they had been banned as I was so upset that I have not been back to TA’s forums. Glad that something was finally done. Everyone on the BI needs to help each other out right now, not hurt each other.
Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Thank you LL! Though it could be that SheawitchG was the one banned and KK (KathyH) stopped in solidarity (she has done so before).
It's a miracle TA actually did something about those two. The site is notorious for not dealing with issues or complaints.

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