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Eileen Ohara resolution 732
How do you know I didn't?

Why do you think it will change the outcome?

County's failure to provide for (some of) its citizens is the bigger issue which needs to be addressed. Roads are merely a symptom.
Its a start either help or dont


As a protected person under international law, wouldn't the bulldozer driver fall into the still-molten lava under the crust if he dug too deep to restore the roads? What are you (and imperialist tool Eileen) actually suggesting be done? And when will the environmental impact studies be completed and approved by the kingdom? The public hearing with former terrorists and felons? /troll

My neighborhood has roads impassible in heavy storms, and slow for ambulances to traverse in the best of times. More people live here than in all the now isolated lower Puna areas. We should get ours first. /half-joking

Puna pays plenty of taxes including fuel tax, there should be plenty of money for at least single lane gravel road access. If not, let's audit and see where it has been spent. /serious
There is no molton lava under the crust on top of the earth it covered. It may be hot in places


Two interesting excerpts from a T-H story today:

“Every time I try to talk with anyone at the county about it, I’m met with blank stares,” O’Hara said.

Mayor Harry Kim said earlier this month that the county would not be able to clear lava from the similarly covered Highway 137 because of a core of still dangerously hot lava that remains beneath the flow’s cooled surface. Removing the lava, he said, would have to wait until a minimum of six months passed since the pause in the Kilauea eruption.

6 months for the lava to cool

(and 4 years for DLNR to do its review on the TMT construction plans; 3 years to study the demolition of Uncle Billy's)
I especially liked the part where Sanford and PGV are offering to help, but can't get answers from that same County that's always complaining about how "we have no money".
Ask the crew now how hot the dead lava is. Obviously not to hot to buldoze. Mr kim is just on a $ fishing trip." No one will get hurt on my watch"



The mayor issued a new emergency proclamation yesterday that nips this in the bud.

“entry to and remaining on the lava flow field remains prohibited unless authorized by Hawai‘i County Civil Defense Agency,” the proclamation states. “No physical modifications to the lava flow fields are allowed, including but not limited to, clearing, crushing or the removal or infill of the lava flow field surface with the intent to establish roads, trails, driveways or clearings for any purpose.”
The flow field includes lots of private property. How is the mayor's latest declaration not a "taking"? Can we just get the lawsuits started already?
Sounds like an invitation to file another lawsuit by his Imperial Majesty Mr. Kim...

ETA kalakoa beat me to the punch...

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