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Shower Drive Cluster
The STATE (Not county) Dept. of Transportation dropped the ball big time. Yes, they are restriping to bring in a second lane. Good. But one can easily summarize that there are not State DOT workers who must make that commute each morning. That right hand "turn any time with caution" from Shower to 130 was the necessary "valve" that kept traffic moving out of shower. Without it, we got what we had today -- Carmaggedon. Bringing in another lane on 130 is absolutely cool. Not managing the current situation on shower however was just ridiculous. They literally left thousands of people stranded on various arteries of HPP. The worst I have ever seen. I would suggest for folks to call the STATE DOT. Call and complain. At the very least, they could have had better signage, as well as traffic officers to manage traffic between 630am and 8:00am. The STATE DOT simply did not even think of doing this. As a result, thousands were late for work, school, etc.
Apparently the DOT reads punaweb.

Motorists are advised that during the striping, the dedicated right turn from Shower Drive onto northbound Keaau-Pahoa Road will be allowed during the morning rush with cones to separate the turning traffic from oncoming northbound traffic on Keaau-Pahoa Road. Motorists are asked to drive with caution in the area. This measure is being taken to mitigate the congestion experienced on the first day of restriping; however, after the striping is complete, the dedicated right turn will be removed to encourage drivers to use the main road instead of the privately-owned back roads
"Apparently the DOT reads punaweb."

My guess would be that people actually called to complain. Took me 1hr 45min to get home from Hilo yesterday.

Doesn't Don Smith still live in HPP? maybe he was blessed w/ 1st hand information.
Took me 1hr 45min to get home from Hilo yesterday.

One road in ... one road out ... just like the people asked for .....

Contraflow operations are expected to begin Monday, Aug. 26.

Just in time for school ... on the mainland.
Friday morning, 7:15 update: Apparently the backup is worse than yesterday. Our house painter reports it took an hour to drive from downtown Pahoa to Orchidland Drive.
Apparently the backup is worse than yesterday.

That's exactly the point, but let's all pretend it's not intentional "because they would never do that".
Why don't these clowns perform the work at off-peak hours?
Does this work being done during peak not cause large amounts of extra fuel to be used, which is against the goals of the county and state for reducing the use of fossil fuels on the islands?
Yep well planned stupidity. Yep the inspector for the paving said call don in charge of roads and complain, the rite lane disposal is pemaanent untill contraflow kiss your old 25 min co mute to hilo goodbye.

Time to vote i someone with enogh power to make railroad all the way to the hi beaches. Just need. Approval and ALLOT OF $ to shipman, and wala!!!


Why don't these clowns perform the work at off-peak hours?

According to a rather late and lame statement by the DOT communications office, they can't do it at night because they couldn't get the required extra duty police to work. It would seem they didn't have them for all the day work, either, given that there were reports of no officers directing traffic at Shower and 130 during rush hour.

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