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Most get infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching their face.
Like HOTPE, I've seen "quotes" from those who claim to know what they are talking about saying masks only really help by stopping you touching your face. That makes sense to me, but what about your eyes?

Seems shares in smoke hoods are about to rocket.
I would think gloves make more sense than a face mask. When I am wearing gloves I don't touch my face. Yesterday I had a doctor reach out to shake my hand, I dodged him the first time, but he got me when he left. If I was wearing gloves that would not have happened. Who knows where his hands have been. People don't shake hands with gloves on, or at least I wouldn't.
How much transmission is airborne vs physical contact? If it is airborne also then a mask would seem to make sense too.
Recent information has been a bit confusing.
For decades now I have seen doctors and others wearing masks as a form of precaution. Now, some health experts are saying to use a mask if you are sick and don't want to spread the sickness. Some health experts are also saying not to use a mask if you are healthy as a mask may increase your chance of catching a virus.
Were doctors and health experts wrong in the past to wear masks around sick people?
You're asking Punaweb if doctors and health experts are wrong? Hmmmm. You should think about this a bit more.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob, good point.
Thinking masks may quickly be gone from store shelves and maybe they are wanting to curb the panic buyers.
It's just gypsy69 back and trolling again Rob. The incessant mindless questions give it away.
By golly, I checked some data and you are right.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thanks Rob!!
I know nothing about this new virus, but remember when the avian flu was a thing? After researching, my fire department purchased and issued all EMT's a P100 mask, much more effective than N95. Maybe the same with the coronavirus? As with any other virus, like the flu, good hygiene and hand washing is the best prevention!


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