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CoronaVirus Humour
So, I was in the bank this morning, and in walk two guys in masks. Everyone waiting gasped in horror, but then we realize they're only there to rob the bank.

"Fox News and all. Probably the mayor of a small town, but still a hoot:

And spot on.

The video I watched on that site wasn't a hoot. Maybe Fox has changed its content since you posted it. What I saw was pure propaganda.
My bad, Tom. My loved one was giggling and read the “article” to me and we thought it was funny. Since it was from Apple News I searched the original link and just shared it...

Confusing enough that I will delete the post. And take your word for it on the video (which for some reason won’t play on my iPad). Sorry for wasting time...

Liverpool John Lennon Airport has been closed.
Imagine all the people.

(* actually it hasn't been closed but anyway. Copied from the interwebs)
Under the category, "It's not the virus, it's the rain", I'm fine being home but the rain keeping me housebound is another story. We've come up with a few diversions to get through these rainy days so I thought I'd share them:

1)Random walking: (this works better with dogs than cats" Get everyone in your house to walk around at a good clip. Call the dog to join you. Cabin fevered dog will follow expecting you to actually do something or go somewhere. Our dog will do this endlessly. Whoopie!

2) Tai Chi Treat: This works on cats too. Get your animal's favorite treat. Show it to them, then with great drama and flourish hold it way above their heads and simulating the gentle and SLOW movements of Tai Chi, slowly lower it to them and watch them go bonkers waiting for it. Hours of fun for the entire family.

3) virtual coffee klatch: arrange with friends to do a zoom or Meet teleconference. Have a hot beverage and yummy baked good and share online. Laughter is the best medicine. Except for maybe a great anti-viral drug, but those are hard to come by.

Certainty will be the death of us.
Chuck Norris has tested positive for COVID-19


(not really)
I quit watching it when I found out it was a political hit piece. If it got funny after that, I wouldn't know.
It's vulgar and hope children didn't watch it. That video should at least come with a warning of adult content only and preferably some description on PW of what it is before people watch it. It was just nasty and not funny.

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