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We're Doomed
I saw a large group (about 15) of.. ..walking some holding hands.. ..running into each other and hugging...

I think Darwin is the guy credited with having identified the solution.

It just means the rest of us have to be extra vigilant and allow nature to take her course. And yeah, it'll take a little longer than we realize it has to. But stay the course, be careful, and with any luck we'll get through this together.
Puna has a lot of flat-Earthers, crystal healers, moon-landing-was-faked-ers, and f-in haole-ers. They are protected by their ignorance and clouds of weed/vape smoke (at least for a couple more weeks.)

Everyone enjoy the time home with your family, plant a garden, and try not to do anything dangerous once the hospital starts filling up.
"The final count in America was 2 cases of Ebola, and no deaths.
If I remember correctly, we were all going to die from dengue fever too."

So sleep tight, cause that was our experience with Ebola, which is the same thing as this.
I'm just relieved it wasn't me that made that prediction - serious bit of math anxiety till I checked the thread (no more late night amnesiac posting for me, I swear I'll remember - maybe time for a tatoo John G?)

I doubt HOTPE is on team ostrich but will let him speak for himself (unless he can't hear us down there...)
... the same thing as this.

I think you missed my point, which was not a comparison of statistics, but of where overwhelming fear and the expectation of doom might take us.
'We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.'
-Kurt Vonnegut
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Mindless, what an ignorant post!
I had a guy come up my driveway and to my door the other day. I have a lot of windows and glass doors so you can pretty much see when I am at home. I talked to him through the door. He was an older guy...older than I....and I couldn’t quite believe he was trying to get me to come to the door. He had zero understanding of why some are practicing physical distancing. We had a conversation about my bananas (botanical) which he admired and offered to cut down, remove, and eat for me. He wanted to knowI’d they were apple bananas.

No, they aren’t. But they are bananas and they are good, I said. I apologized for not opening the door and explained I was quarantining. He basically said “Pshaww.. it’s like the flu. If you get it, try tea with ginger”. Then something about echinacea. I started merntally reviewing what all he had touched: The column on the porch. The door frame. The glass. I screamed like Homer Simpson and fled to my bedroom. That last part isn’t true. I thanked him for the awesome medical advice. He kept repeating it. I had been in the middle of something so returned to what I doing as he went on and on about herbal this and herbal that. He finally trailed off and left. The nation is divided into two people: People who are following medical advice and governmental orders to stay home and others who are intent on challenging what they see as hysteria and paranoia by invading your personal space whether you want it or not. And Puna has more than its share.
Wow, Kelena, I am really glad your story had a peaceful ending.

What I think is the scary thing on our horizon is the drug addicts among us. How many are there? 10k - 20k on island? Literally, every one of them is heading towards the day they run out. The drugs, I have to assume, were in the same supply chain we all have been discussing. No more TP? Well what about Ice? Heroin? Oxy? What are those that need it going to do?
What are those that need it (drugs) going to do?

If the drug supply chain breaks down, that may be a positive outcome for the rest of us.
Why do thieves break into our homes & steal the flat screen? So they can sell it for $50 and buy drugs. If there’s no drug supply, why bother stealing for drug money?

Of course they might start stealing for alcohol. But that’s probably cheaper, so hopefully they can then thieve part time.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
No Edge, they're gonna break into your house for your drugs. Look in your medicine cabinet.. they're gonna be coming for that stuff dude.

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