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Is Larry Kawaauhau is running for OHA At Large ?

Originally posted by Stillwater

He is Hawaiian !! He has a business degree and furthering his education toward his masters degree . This trash talk is just that there is NO proof of Mr Kawaauhau being involved with any wrongdoing! How shameful of whoever would attempt to derail anyone from both bettering themselves and taking pride and part in their culture and it’s future, especially in this day and age don’t you have more positive helpful attention you could show towards your neighbors and human kind at large?

"He is Hawaiian !!" So?
Seeing you know, support and advocate for Larry Kawaauhua please explain how HPPOA benefits from * his involvement with the general manager in a coup of HPPOA business * his lawsuit against HPPOA * cancellation of board of director meetings and general membership meetings for eleven months without a court order * non transparency of how he and the general manager are spending HPPOA money * no membership elections this year. This has nothing to do with the virus and please tell me where you got your information so I can fact check. Thank you.

Leo, He is Hawaiian - Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Leo this has nothing to do with me or HPPOA so I need not explain diddly squat !!
You call it a coup it is as far as I can tell a business that still needs to function for legal agreements with DOH and the maintenance of roadways just because you don’t think so doesn’t mean regular business is halted. No matter what you think of the maintenance imagine if there was absolutely NONE!
Fact check yourself on whatever you choose I do not need to assist you and your hatred towards others.
But I will add to the facts Mr Kawaauhau is also a VETERAN of the United States military and again your absolute obvious Hatred and lack of compassion for your neighbor be it in the midst of a pandemic or not is REVOLTING!
I feel the more you converse the more your true colors show.

Originally posted by Stillwater

Leo, He is Hawaiian - Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Leo this has nothing to do with me or HPPOA so I need not explain diddly squat !!
You call it a coup it is as far as I can tell a business that still needs to function for legal agreements with DOH and the maintenance of roadways just because you don’t think so doesn’t mean regular business is halted. No matter what you think of the maintenance imagine if there was absolutely NONE!
Fact check yourself on whatever you choose I do not need to assist you and your hatred towards others.
But I will add to the facts Mr Kawaauhau is also a VETERAN of the United States military and again your absolute obvious Hatred and lack of compassion for your neighbor be it in the midst of a pandemic or not is REVOLTING!
I feel the more you converse the more your true colors show.

Let me get this straight Stillwater, you're saying because there's a pandemic, because he's Hawaiian, and because he's a Veteran it's OKAY for him to sue Hawaiian Paradise Park and hold their Association's business hostage for eleven months? You said he's not involved in any wrongdoing which leads me to believe you think his actions benefit over 8,500 lot owners. Is that true?
I don't hate anyone. Right is right and wrong is wrong, simple as that. I had hoped you could enlighten us with facts to back your statement. Maybe change some people's perspective but I see you have nothing to offer.

Leo maybe you need to switch off this subject forum and go to comment on HPP forum to feed your hatred

Originally posted by Stillwater

Leo maybe you need to switch off this subject forum and go to comment on HPP forum to feed your hatred

Look in the mirror. I have no hatred towards anyone. You can't handle the truth and you can't justify his actions. I have nothing more to say, and apparently neither do you. Adios!

Thanks Leo, I can handle the truth. I can’t handle the nasty accusations and hatred you perpetuate toward people in the community. All I suggested was if you want to converse about HPP, your opinions, and beliefs which are not factual then it belongs on the HPP thread where the nastiest forms of disrespect and hatred toward neighbors is at it’s finest.
Well, because I'm bored, I do want to know why Larry K is suing the HPP board and disrupting meetings, etc.

I use the roads there. Many are nice, some are in need of attention. The dues add up to mucho dinero. Why can't they get the "forensic" accounting?

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