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Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations
Quite, just like 'elepaio. It makes it look as if you don't like the way people post arguments rather than being able to counter them, so you claim it's unfair and they broke the rules. Can I please take my ball back home?

Looking back, you will see excessive quoting occurred because many in Puna relied on dial-up service. I don't think that's the case anymore. We also know some like to delete or edit their posts after someone has replied, so making sure the record is correct seems sensible.
What are you on about you silly coot? How it asking about the requirement of requiring posts to be related to Hawaii, about "an argument" that needs to "be countered"? it's the whole basic premise and purpose of PunaWeb historically.

As for overquoting, Rob just mentioned the issue a handful of months back so it has nothing to do with dial-up. And the quote function is not some perfect record of what was said and is fully editable e.g.

(03-03-1973, 09:46 AM)TomK Wrote: Quite, quite, old boy, good show by jove. I'm future TomK, speaking from the past, and want to let you that I've finally caught on and are on "Team Yak". Crack on!

Thanks future TomK from the past. Always appreciate your insightful input and support, but you better go back and edit this post before others catch on to your brilliance! (ETA: good job)
(07-22-2024, 07:12 AM)ironyak Wrote: What are you on about you silly coot? How it asking about the requirement of requiring posts to be related to Hawaii, about "an argument" that needs to "be countered"? it's the whole basic premise and purpose of PunaWeb historically.

As for overquoting, Rob just mentioned the issue a handful of months back so it has nothing to do with dial-up. And the quote function is not some perfect record of what was said and is fully editable e.g.

I'm glad to see you are exempt from the one PunaWeb rule - namely name calling.

But, then again, it's you. As you clearly have demonstrated, even after your 10-month absence of posting and subsequent return, no matter the subject, it's OK if YOU do it. Just nobody else should or can.

At any event, the last mention from Rob about quoting was made on December 10, 2021. Not a handful of months back. 

Further, as I have mentioned, I did a lot of reading of old posts. Apparently, up until recently, PunaWeb operated on different software. Posts made on the old software showed significant wasted space when quoted, especially if quoted and then requoted. However, one thing I also noticed from these old posts were a large number of users having signature lines that were 20 - 30 - 40 lines long - most of them endless repeating symbols or punction marks. Also compounding the issue was that in a majority of cases the signature line was repeated - as if it was posting the signature line into the body of the post and then repeated it where the signature line would normally appear. When a post was then quoted, it copied that damn signature line again and again.

I think the new software currently in use eliminated a large part of confusion.

But, speaking of confusion, I am wondering where all these non-Hawaii related topics are as well as where this excessive quoting is taking place.
That's pathetic, ironyak. 'elepaio has stolen your soul.
(07-22-2024, 07:37 AM)TomK Wrote: That's pathetic, ironyak. 'elepaio has stolen your soul.

I must say Tom, that's a mighty big assumption.

Assuming there is a soul to steal that is!
HiloJulie - I'm glad to see you are exempt from the one PunaWeb rule - namely name calling.

Source for this being a rule, much less "the one PunaWeb rule"? You starting to see the point of this thread yet?

HiloJulie - At any event, the last mention from Rob about quoting was made on December 10, 2021. Not a handful of months back.

As was previously discussed, Rob mentioned it somewhat recently in a thread that was ultimately deleted, but some of us, just like Pepperidge Farm, remembers. Regardless, even in the post you highlight Rob says: "the habit of constantly quoting and requoting in threads make things very hard to read. Please keep it to a minimum."

If Rob needs examples of very extensive posts being quoted in full in a reply, or multiple back and forth posts that have nothing at all to do with Hawaii, I'm happy to point out examples, but he shouldn't have to look very far.

TomK - That's pathetic, ironyak. 'elepaio has stolen your soul.
Will you pray for me TomK? Maybe don't make your only contribution to the thread a comparison of a contributor to a long-time problematic troll and you wouldn't get push-back?

The fact that a couple individuals are so agitated about requesting Rob's input is something else - the lad(y) doth protest too much!

So anyhow Rob, as time allows, a list of your basic expectations would be helpful. I think TomK is vibing with a 10 Commandments approach (?), but I kinda like "Rob's Requests (or Rules) for PunaWeb", but whatever it called, without any guidance people are just going to do whatever they want until you tell them otherwise. Cheers!
(07-22-2024, 08:40 AM)ironyak Wrote: Source for this being a rule, much less "the one PunaWeb rule"? You starting to see the point of this thread yet?

From the registration rules YOU agreed to when registering:

"By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws."

Calling other posters names is clearly covered under the bolded items as shown above. I don’t think Rob needs to clarify that further. If you think otherwise, perhaps maybe have Rob publish a list of what names other posters CAN and then CANNOT be called?

(07-22-2024, 08:40 AM)ironyak Wrote: As was previously discussed, Rob mentioned it somewhat recently in a thread that was ultimately deleted, but some of us, just like Pepperidge Farm, remembers. Regardless, even in the post you highlight Rob says: "the habit of constantly quoting and requoting in threads make things very hard to read. Please keep it to a minimum."

Oh yes, the convenient “Rob said it, but it was deleted” tactic. But YOU remember. And even more ironically, the “some of us” remember. Who is this “some of us?” (sounds like that old “white boy” club again!) And yeh, damn facts and proof – YOU remember!!!

Not to be offensive, but I’d trust YOUR memory, as well as the other “some of us” memories as far as I could throw a 500 pound man.

And again, when Rob made that post, it was when PunaWeb used a different software, that I admit, made reading a quoted post very confusing, especially with the signature line repeating as I previously mentioned, as well as some posters signature lines being dozens of lines of repeating symbols and spaces.

ETA: Further, as you stated that this "was previously discussed," it was discussed on a thread that you were not even an active participant of on June 16, 2024. You were not actively posting on PunaWeb from August 26, 2023, until you returned on June 23, 2024 - so that's quite interesting to reference a discussion you were not even part of. 

(07-22-2024, 08:40 AM)ironyak Wrote: If Rob needs examples of very extensive posts being quoted in full in a reply, or multiple back and forth posts that have nothing at all to do with Hawaii, I'm happy to point out examples, but he shouldn't have to look very far.

And if Rob sees that when he visits his website, I am quite sure he would do something or say something. I’m sure looking for all this excessive quoting and non-Hawaii/Puna related posts, but somehow can’t find many.

Now, when you think about it, one COULD ask:

What does this thread have to do with Hawaii or Puna?
...some posters signature lines being dozens of lines of repeating symbols and spaces.
That is a result of the old forum operating system when it was migrated. They didn't look like that, then.
I'm willing to bet that Rob doesn't want to micromanage PunaWeb; (some of) the participants are doing a fine job of that.
leilanidude - That is a result of the old forum operating system when it was migrated. They didn't look like that, then.
Nah, leilanidude - HiloJulie has read PunaWeb back to day one and clearly has a perfect understanding and recall of what went on. Why would she ever need to listen to those of us who were actually here at the time?

HiloJulie  - "By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws."

Ah, yes that one rule by which me poking fun at TomK is clearly "abusive, hateful, harassing,", but nothing else going on here is? I'm sorry for calling you a "silly coot" TomK. Does this mean I've earned back my soul or is me asking for Rob's input about his site still acting like a multiple-banned troll who went out of their way to insult your deceased significant other?

Are you unwell Tom? Given your contributions and interactions here over the last several months with me and others it seems to appear that you're quite unwell. I'm sorry if you're struggling, but probably be best to find a more healthy way of coping than posting inflammatory content and then playing the victim when called out about it? I sincerely hope you get the support you may need.

HiloJulie - Oh yes, the convenient “Rob said it, but it was deleted” tactic. But YOU remember. And even more ironically, the “some of us” remember. Who is this “some of us?” (sounds like that old “white boy” club again!) And yeh, damn facts and proof – YOU remember!!!

Not to be offensive, but I’d trust YOUR memory, as well as the other “some of us” memories as far as I could throw a 500 pound man.

What I find amusing is that there are several individuals here that if they pointed out I was forgetting something, I'd immediately cotton to the notion that I may have missed something or was failing to recall it, as that's just part of being human. The fact that several PunaWeb members could be saying what was in a deleted thread and you'd believe none of them says a lot about yourself and your relationships here.

HiloJulie - ETA: Further, as you stated that this "was previously discussed," it was discussed on a thread that you were not even an active participant of on June 16, 2024. You were not actively posting on PunaWeb from August 26, 2023, until you returned on June 23, 2024 - so that's quite interesting to reference a discussion you were not even part of.

The fact that you participated in the previous discussions (that you now found) and the deleted threads makes the irony all the more rich. May I suggest getting some sick tats as a solution going forward?

As I recently told kalianna, I actually read PunaWeb on a regular basis, but most of the time just shake my head at the silliness and go about my day. You were, and still are, participating in that recent thread also, so you of course remember me saying that? Just because I'm not posting doesn't mean I'm not reading or remembering the ruckus goings on here.

HiloJulie - And if Rob sees that when he visits his website, I am quite sure he would do something or say something.
By that logic, Rob must be ok with the names and insults hurled your way as many of them are still up. Maybe he even agrees with them and makes sure they stay there even if they're in violation of the Terms of Service?

Or maybe, just maybe, Rob is extremely busy with real world obligations and is doing drive-by moderation to make sure things aren't completely on fire here, so he can return to burning the candle at both ends with his more important projects? Dude is non-stop and doing good work in the world. Least we could do is strive to uphold his wishes for PunaWeb, whatever those currently might be.

HiloJulie - Now, when you think about it, one COULD ask: What does this thread have to do with Hawaii or Puna?
And now your take on things has jumped the shark, but fortuitously landed in the circus clown tent. Yes, why would a question for the founder and sole moderator of PunaWeb, about best practices for PunaWeb, belong on PunaWeb? Big galaxy brain stuff there.

So again Rob, on the next stop-in, maybe a post-it note message about your thoughts on keeping it local, number of daily posts, full vs partial quoting, ALL CAPS, and the like would be appreciated when you have the time.

PS - Hi kalakoa! Just think it'd be good to be able to tap the sign and move on instead of having users argue again and again over the notion "I get to do whatever I want until Rob says otherwise."

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