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You Know Your a Punatic Wannabeeee when......
Deborah & I plan to be there too! See ya then!

Yeah Noel...tell them you want them to look at your thong line first...then wait for it before you show them your foot! LOL Smile Have a great time you guys!


"All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it." Bob Newhart


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
You know you are a Punatic Wannabee when....
1. You think you know where the lava is going even though you live 2100 miles away from it.
2. You listen to KAPA FM on the internet.
3. Your phone message starts out "Aloha!...."
4. You keep a kite stored on the island for the Moonlight Kite Fly, even though it may be six months before you attend another one.
5. You start thinking of blue tarps as an element of exterior design, instead of as something to put on the back of truck to keep stuff from blowing out or getting wet.
6. You order coffee from Sharkey's.
7. You have been to Verna's more than once and the servers are no longer surly to you.
8. You have a coconut growing on Black Sand Beach.
9. Your coconut died on Black Sand Beach, but you buy a goddamn house anyway and plant another one.
10. You buy a sarong and start wearing it in the backyard of your mainland house and tell yourself you don't look that bad.
11. You try to drive aloha on the San Diego Freeway on Saturday at 10:00 p.m.

You know you're a Punatic wannabe when:

1) Your 4 1/2 year old daughter has visited Puna five times: twice in utero, thrice in vivo.

2) You host a Punaweb party while vacationing in Puna...


You know you are a punatic wannabee when:
1. You fantasize Pahoa Natural Foods takeout buffet every night while eating your pb&j.
2.You try to work the name of the state fish into your conversations: humuhumunukunukuapua'a
3. Your $10 ukelele, still in the box, is the focal point of your living room decor.
4. You play your Hawaiian CD over and over and over and drive your family mad.
5. You reject all grocery store avocados, mangoes, & papayas as so far from the real thing as to be revolting by comparison.
You know you are a Punatic when!
1. All your favorites on your computer are Hawaiian themed.
2. You own every cd from IZ.
3.You make all your friends & co-workers sick with your plans to move to Hawaii.
4.You spend hundreds of hours searching the MLS for your perfect Hawaiian home.
5.You end up buying a home in Puna sight unseen.
6.After fulfilling your dream of living in Puna you realize that Life here is still Life, Got to go to work just the same as you did on the mainland (except for half the pay) and after 3 1/2 years don't go snorkeling anymore and start to miss your loved ones back home that can't afford to come visit you. Then you find yourself dreaming of moving back with the same crazy obsession that got you here in the first place then you really know your a Punatic.

It is so heartening to know that I am not the only sick Punatic want to be. I thought it was unnatural to be so obsessive with living in Hawaii. I too bought land there site un seen. So, I am not crazy after all. Now, all I have to do is convince my signifigant other. Thanks


I will add some of my list as well:

your "wallpaper" on your computer is a picture of your lot, just waiting for you to come and develop it.

All your family hears is "when I move to Hawaii I won't have to deal with......"

You visit only Hawaii sites online (newspaper, forums, etc.) and none from your mainland area.

You dream about the day you can plant your backyard garden. (especially when nothing will grow where you live currently)

You know regulars on Hawaii forums and what part of Puna they live.

You price flights to Hilo on a regular basis.

You find yourself in your car wondering why no one lives aloha-in the desert city of Phoenix-where everyone is trying to mow you down to get into your position in traffic.

You are constantly looking into what type of materials you will build with, and know which companies offer their services in the area.

You speak with your island neighbors you have never met in person, online.

I think that was a good start. (There is much more)

I know i'm a punatic when i know i have only 82 more posts to go before i become da kine and 500 more to be The Punatic....scary

way to go mella and carrie you crazy punatics pass the 1000 mark!

Hey Noel you aren't packing the ballot box are you?? LOL Carrie and Mella blabber on!

You know you're a Punatic when

1. You've renamed your pets Hawaiian names!
2. While doing the dishes you practice your hula!
3.Your friends in Hawaii are plant sitting your purchases you couldn't pass up!
4.You join the Hilo Orchid Society two years in advance of relocation!
5.Your business cards carry a picture of your foot prints on the beach!
6.Over the Rainbow is your ring-tone!
7.Even your mainland friends are picking up the lingo!
8.You are excited to go to your first remote Punaweb party after attending the first on island Punaweb party!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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