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City of Paradise Park?
This idea has been around a while, and I don't think anyone has done a detailed study of what the tax rate would have to be. It would certainly depend on the level of services and infrastructure provided, and I suspect it would be more than we pay now. That might not be too bad, depending on what we get for our money.

I don't think the County of Hawaii will be too thrilled over this idea. They probably get more tax revenue out of here than they spend, at least when one looks at Puna as a whole. (There are documents on-line which confirm this, but I don't have links at the moment.) HPP might be even more skewed to the County's advantage than all Puna because we have no parks, no police station, and no county roads. We DO have a small fire station and a single water line running to the fire station. It has always been a wonder to me that, in this litigious age, no one has filed a class action lawsuit against the County for the obvious inequities in the provision of services and infrastructure. They, including the recently retired Saint Harry, have always shouted "substandard subdivisions!" and gotten away with it.

The politics of all this will be interesting to watch. I was pleasantly surprised that Faye Hanohano would propose this. She did make some appearances here in HPP at neighborhood functions during the election season, so maybe she is more tuned in than I thought. She does not have a strong record of getting legislation passed, but her previous term was her first, so she might do more as a sophomore than as a freshman. The rest of the Legislature might not want to open a Pandora's Box of localities demanding autonomy statewide, though, so I don't expect a groundswell of support. And what does our Legislator's cousin, the Councilwoman, think of all this?

This should be very interesting, but the bill may never get out of committee. Still it's a start, and somebody is finally bringing much needed attention to the fact that we have a problem here.

Cheerfully re-evaluating my opinion of Faye Hanohano,
HPP becoming a town is the only way to fix the road mess! Then it could apply for Fed grants,do bond issues, municipal contracts. and the residents could have some say in there lives instead of being 2nd class citizens the county answer to every is " your a substandard subdivision Go away " But i havent heard anything about separate police. people Just want a highway dept. like 99% of everywhere else in the country
I would like to see more information on this. She just maybe trying to get part of the infrastructure money that Obama is offering. I am glad someone is addressing the problems.

Yes it would raise the property taxes but it would also increase the value of the property.

Someone mentioned all the property OWNERS voting on this. It is my understanding that something like this would be voted on by RESIDENTS (including renters) not owners, which could really change the dynamics of a vote.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol makes an important point. Any sort of local government involves the full enfranchisement of all residents, both owners and renters. Currently only property owners can vote on HPPOA initiatives, and participation is notoriously poor. Under a municipality or township, absentee property owners would no longer have a vote, but they would have to pay any assessed taxes.

If a political subdivision (legal government municipality) was created in Hawaii County, ALL registered voters of the COUNTY will have a vote on it. Property ownership has nothing to do with having a say, it's the registered voters who will have the say.

DO NOT confuse the creation of a municipal government with that of the association. What the association rules require will have NO impact on what the State and County laws require for the creation of a local government.
If HPP gets it, the rest of the Island will start pushing also.

Pahoa would be a better choice for a Township, it actually has some "Town" infrastructure in place.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
This would be a good thing for all involved including offshore owners because there property will be worth more and they will have a much nicer place to retire. Yes only residents can vote BUT WHEN DID DEMOCRACY BECOME SUCH A BAD IDEA.
Taxes will go up, part of that is replacing the road fee. But you will get something in return, residents have been paying taxes all this time and basically getting 0 in return .
I’ve never been a political activist but I’m and sign waver on this one
Originally posted by leilaniguy

West Hawaii Today stated in an article today, Jan. 15, that Faye Hanohano has drafted legislation to make the subdivision of Hawaiian Paradise Park a township, providing funding for police and fire services.

What a waste of time and money, it will never happen. With all the short falls in the County budget why would they even consider it. Faye should be concentrating on the burglaries in town.[8]

"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....

I think most realize it's a fantasy proposal [Wink],
but it's a good civic lesson [Big Grin]

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