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Ahalanui Park( Hot Ponds)
Dear Nalu: Two big rules of thumb if you are gonna soak there
-Watch your car keys at all times (neck chain or water proof carrier). Too many car thefts lately while people are not watching their keys (can happen in seconds).
-You basically soak at your risk. As the pool is not chlorinated many bugs can live in the water (nice cozy environment for staff, bacteria, e coli, etc.) Most definitely don't go in the pool if you have any open or recent skin abrasions or cuts. If you really just want to soak a well maintained hot tub would be a better bet.

The place tends to attract a negative crowd (like the one night I was there, roudies spinning wheelies in the parking lot and destroying the grass with there cars, thought my car was gonna get hit).

Aloha, TheodoreJay

I'm so glad your son is OK after that horrible experience.

The flesh-eating threat is very real to me because of what a dear friend went through with her 16 year old son. Not at Ahalanui, but vibrio /flesh-eating bacteria.

He too got sick within a couple hours of a small puncture on his foot. The infection spread so fast the hospital couldn't keep up with it. They started with amputating his foot but it kept one step ahead ... finally they took the leg at the highest point possible. He was on life support and the doctors said it was time to disconnect, that he was gone.

Somehow at the eleventh hour, he rallied, and survived.
He uses a prosthetic leg now but the fit is difficult because of the height of the amputation.

There is vibrio (flesh-eating) in the area. The man who died there (2001?) had both vibrio and staph ...

To me it is just not worth it. He was a healthy teenager, my friend's son.
Thanks everybody for the input. Wow Punamom that's REALLY scary. I'm glad he's ok. It's a tough one cause my litle guy is a real water kid, I know he's going to feel left out staying on the grass. But he definately has lots of war wounds, open cuts, he's a real rough and tumble kid. I guess we'll just go a little late and see how it goes. That's a little disturbing to me what's going on down there with the car thefts. Funny there's been no mention of this to my knowledge in the paper, the word should get out. I apprecaite everyone's advice. Mahlo, Angela
The auto thefts are occurring after dark when the park is closed.If you go during park hours it is not a problem.
If you are worried,leave your keys with Mark,the lifeguard.

The common precautions mentioned are enough to prevent infection with giardia and crypto.

I don't think staph is a problem because it is mostly spread by human contact.You would be more likely to contract staph at your doctors office.It can however be spread by sharing a towel.
An older thread about the car thefts at the hot ponds, for the benefit of the newbies:
>>>I don't think staph is a problem because it is mostly spread by human contact.You would be more likely to contract staph at your doctors office.It can however be spread by sharing a towel.

That's not what I've read in articles by microbiologists and doctors in Hawai'i. They say you can get it from the water.
Originally posted by Obie

The auto thefts are occurring after dark when the park is closed.If you go during park hours it is not a problem.
If you are worried,leave your keys with Mark,the lifeguard.

I have personally spoken to one person and heard via email from another whose cars were stolen in broad daylight.
The cops should park booby trapped cars there that kill anyone that tries to start them.
Nothing like instant justice.
I would pay money to watch that.

I hate thieves, but I love solutions.
THREAD BUMP.. I just saw a Guy I know who just got out of the Hospital recovering from an infection he got after swimming in the Hot Pond. That's the second person I've seen within the last few months who got the infection after swimming in the Hot pond with an open cut. Makes me wonder how many people are coming down with Mrsa/staff infections after swimming there. It makes sense. The place is a bacterial containment area with the brakish water being held back from escaping to the ocean for hours until high tide evey day. And even then it doesn't get cleaned up enough. There should be warning signs there. IMO Sad
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
There are warning signs.

Edit to add a link to a picture of the sign.

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