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Insect Recipes
I put boric acid on my sole plate all around my house before I drywalled it in ,I do not have any bugs yet but I was wondering how long it would last.(been about 2 years now)
I also heard locals put hawaiian salt all around there house,and some guy said use diatomaceous earth all around the house,Does anyone have any experience with these I was wondering how they worked?
Cats and dogs seem to work the best for rats and mice.(karma friendly)Smile

Edited by - punamom on 08/24/2006 12:35:05
Punamom...what is diotamacious earth? Also, do they use the Hawaiian Salt for pedes?


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
I did a spell check.and a brief google. I don't know much about it the guy told me its used for pool filters too and the soil cuts up bugs that try to cross it so they avoid it.its the hard shells of sea creatures?
The hawaiian salt is just rock crystal salt as far as I can tell and I think it works for all creepy crawlers.A Hawaiian guy told me about this one.kinda pagan Smile

I am most curious about treatments for TERMITES anyone?

Edited by - punamom on 08/24/2006 12:49:33

"I put boric acid on my sole plate all around my house before I drywalled it in ,I do not have any bugs yet but I was wondering how long it would last.(been about 2 years now)"

How was the boric acid applied? If it was in solution, what ratio was it mixed? Or was it in powder form. I thought along the same lines but spraying it inside the studs before I sheetrock. I think this is the first time I've read about someone doing it.


What goes around comes around!

Edited by - Royall on 08/24/2006 15:36:07

When we remodeled the kitchen we put the powdered Boric Acid behind the new drywall and as I said in all the electrical boxes. We also sealed off all openings for pipes and arounds the boxes with caulk, (the cheaper the better). We havent had any roaches or ant since then. Thats been almost two years now so I guess the extra effort was worth it. We also put the powder in the attic. We just shot it around helter-skelter and from the number of roaches I see when I go up there it must be working.

hi royall,
I just bought the powder at walmart (lots of it)its a squeeze kinda container and squeezed a line at the base of everything that was covered like hookupu did.I was wondering if I should put a weep hole type hole in my drywall to add some annually (like around the baseboard).I was also wondering if the boric acid had any negative effects on the pressure treated wood? But I did it anyway I don't want those smelly roaches setting up house.

I think Terro ant stuff is boric acid, if you read the label. And I don't think boric acid is all that harmful to pets if they should get some on their paws, but you might check the label.

I built a house in Nanawale and put boric acid in all the walls, no big roaches. Sold that house, though, so I don't know how long it works. Did have some centipedes so I sprayed the exterior foundation of the house with malathion. Probably overkill, but it's what was in the shed.

Here we use chickens to eat the centipedes, they hopefully eat them before they get big and nasty. We also put Sevrin dust on the roses, around the house posts and in the spots where the dogs like to hang out to get rid of fleas, ticks, rose beetles and in general hopes of keeping crawlies out of the house.

Boric acid mixed with sugar and water or boric acid mixed with fat - which ever the ants are eating - and left out in jar lids gets rid of the ants pretty well.

Garden Exchange also has some fruit fly traps and fly strips should you be trying to get rid of more flies than your geckos can handle. We had some of that mosquito shoo geranium planted around the house and there seemed to be less mosquitoes then. The hedge didn't survie an underground utility installation so I need to plant more of it.

For termites, there is a delaying action you can do with the Terminex stuff in a can, but about every six years you should call the Terminex guys. They just came by today and estimated it would be $830 to tent our house. That will probably decimate any cockroaches as well as our geckos, too.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Lots of good remedies here so just brought it forward and included the ant recipe.

Good hunting y'all!

ANT / ROACH Killer

1 teaspoon boric Acid ( from pharmacy at WalMart)
6 tablespoons sugar
2 cups boiling water

Mix ingredients and pour over cotton balls. Put mixture in cottage cheese containers with lids and poke holes about 1/8 inch up from the bottom. Don’t worry if you have more ants the first couple of days after the third day ant problem should be gone.

Be sure to keep out of the reach of children and pets!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Insect Recipes you say?

OK well here goes



* 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips or butterscotch chips (6 oz.)
* 2 cups fresh cane spiders
* 1/2 cup pecans, peanuts, or walnut pieces


Cover a baking sheet with waxed paper. In a small saucepan over very low heat, melt chocolate or butterscotch chips. Stir until smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in the CAIN SPIDERS and nuts until thoroughly coated.

Drop by spoonfuls onto waxed paper. Chill for 15 minutes or until firm.


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Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
I know, I know, spiders are technically arachnids. If you want to get technical - "Insect Recipes" - substitue Cock Roaches for Cane Spiders.

DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".

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