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S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th
Unless its a one time garage sale or birthday party kind of thing. Never feels right to park in front peoples house to me for these kind of events,,, just 'cause everyone else doing it. Like a violation of unspoken right to privacy ... The vibe is not good walking away from your car.
[quote]Originally posted by peregrine
"Graham Ellis ... has been here for 23 years because he can't go anywhere else. He is an immigrant and a felon who remains in this country illegally, with legalization unlikely. He then hides behind the law when it suits him get tax breaks for the "non-profit" business that makes his lifestyle possible..."
Peregrine,I believe that you are telling the truth.
But how it's possible for an illegal immigrant to run a business,file for a tax break,etc.?Does it require a SSN ?

And you probably already know that though I live far away from SPACE to hear any noise,I don't think that a community has a right to destroy a private person's peace in his own home .

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Is this perhaps evolving beyond the issue of a special use permit and into the realm of character assassination?

It is one thing to have a neighborhood dispute about non-conforming uses. It is quite another to move down the path of personally attacking people.

There is the appearance of a vendetta.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
"who remains in this country illegally"

Unless he told you that himself, how would you know this?
Why not call the Immigration authorities, then?
I think Peregrine has Graham confused with some Warlord or Gangster; Everyone knows however, that Gangsters don't juggle.

Seriously; I've known Graham for a long time and his organizational skills, grant writing abilities, tirelss leadership and vision have benefitted Puna Makai's young people for decades.

My children, my children's friends, and I personally, have seen and contributed to the programs that Graham and his group have given to the community.

I'm just glad that we, instead of some corporate entity are the beneficiaries of these leadership skills.

Peregrine discredits his/her post with the extremely ludicris statements about air pollution, sex offenders, and drugs that SPACE allegedly fosters. Unbelievable; and obviously the rantings of someone with a personal agenda.

The vendetta, character assassination and personal agenda are all on the side of the Graham Ellis and his organizations. If you have never seen Mr.Ellis' dark side, it is because you meet his approval and are a benefit to him. Not everyone is so fortunate as to receive this benevolence. I have simply conveyed the experiences of many people, some of whom have been too afraid of retaliation to speak out on their own. Again, my intention is to shed light on what is being presented merely as a permitting issue, but has much deeper roots in poor relationships with neighbors and other enemies.
Concerning my assertions about air pollution, drug use and sex offenders, you can believe them. One sex offender in particular was a fairly regular visitor to SPACE until his status was brought to the attention of someone in a position of power. There are multiple eyewitness accounts of drug use, some of which have been caught on video tape. If you need proof of air pollution, just stand on the street in front of SPACE during a busy event.
I suggest to anyone who supports this intrusion into the neighborhood that they should welcome it into their own. Until you are willing to do that, do not doubt that the people most affected have serious, valid complaints.
I personally find it unethical to make accusations of this sort of nature anonymously. I hope others share my sentiment.
I am willing and trying to consider your side of the story peregrine and would readily admit, as apparently Graham has, that the operations of SPACE have exceeded their Special Use Permit.

But except for your statements I have not seen or heard any character assassination from any sources I am familiar with at SPACE. So there is immediately a degree, for me, to which your credibility is at stake.

It is difficult to make a statement like The vendetta, character assassination and personal agenda are all on the side of the Graham Ellis without obviously seeing that that statement is not true. I interact with a number of SPACE people and have never heard any disparaging language aimed at whomever is filing complaints. I am however hearing it from you.

Here on Punaweb I try to assume the best and ask questions. You are asking me to assume the worst..... not a natural inclination for me.

But I think it is very good for you to state your positions and there is an audience for them. Feel free to elaborate.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I am sorry that I feel the need to remain anonymous, I am normally quite outspoken and open, but I do fear retaliation as I have seen others suffer. However, I am not the only one who does not disclose their identity. I can't help but notice that the subject of this discussion is absent from it, his initial post not even being from himself. I would say I was surprised that Mr.Ellis has not commented, but I am not surprised in the least. Why should he say anything when he has plenty of other people jumping in to do the talking for him?
I have always assumed the best of people, and I have leaned the hard way that those assumptions are as wrong headed as any other. I assumed the best of Graham Ellis, and have seen with my own eyes a very different and ugly side. But I am not surprised that you have not heard disparaging words from Graham's mouth. If anyone from the organization would stand up and openly express their discontent, then there might be a chance for dialogue. Certainly there would be transparency. Unfortunately, the preferred method seems to be rumor mongering. A person who is out of favor may not know why until a mutually known but uninvloved party tells them what has been said. Usually, names are not named, only "I heard this happened". If confronted, the presumed source will deny and stonewall. But the rumors will keep coming, some slightly different, some more elaborate, but always the gist being that the organization, or a member of it, was wronged. There is no reconciliation possible, or if there is, it requires complete submission. I have even heard them point fingers at each other, then deny each others' accusations of being the progenitors of rumors, misinformation and hostile action. As someone who believes that the only way to find a solution is through cooperation and communication, it is quite discouraging to witness the one sided and aggressive manner in which problems concerning SPACE have been handled by Mr.Ellis and his allies.
Thank you for allowing me to state my experience and opinion in this forum. I truly do not wish to harm, but I do seek justice and accountability for behavior which has long gone unnoticed and unchecked.
I'm a neighbor of SPACE, I'm right across the street, as close as anyone, and the activities there aren't bothering me.

Noise, traffic, pollution aren't the issues here.

I support SPACE 100%. The place and the people have literally turned my life around.


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