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Lava zone 1 and 2 Insurance in Action
The first of the three houses which burned in 2010 was covered by insurance and they paid for the loss. I believe he got it through HIPA. It was the one next to the last remnant of Hwy 137 close to Fox's Landing. He had insurance for several years before the lava shifted course and headed for that area in 2007/8. The other two houses next to the unpaved section of Hwy 130 got insurance while the lava was in sight. I don't know if those were paid out. I don't know if Jack Thompson had insurance for his house in Royal Gardens.
My understanding for homeowners policy that includes fire that "if" the lava approaches your home and your house catches fire indirectly from the lava flow, you are covered. For example : You have 30 foot tall palm trees in your back yard. The lava approaches and sets them on fire and then the tree falls on your house and sets it on fire.
All three houses that I mentioned above were kissed by the lava before they burned to the ground.
One that you know of was paid out?
The house that burned down next to Hwy 137 had already been cut off when the lava reached the intersection of Hwy 130 and Hwy 137. He had to walk in about half a mile to his house to supply his needs. He had a nice solar system for his lights and fridge, but his stove and water heater were propane and those tanks can become pretty heavy after hauling them for half a mile. He also had a filtration system for drinking water so he didn't have to haul water. In a way he was glad that the lava came back and finished the job so he could get the insurance money and build some other place.
Originally posted by eigoya

One that you know of was paid out?

Yes, the first house got paid out. The Red Cross put him in a hotel for about a week. A friend of his adopted his two dogs. I had to complain to the county because the choppers were flying low over his house and scaring the dogs and also spreading burning cinders from the nearby forest which was already on fire. The FAA adopted a no fly zone over Kalapana Gardens soon after.
I should also add that the Fire Dept had a fire truck and personnel next to the last two houses during the last moments just to make sure that nobody got hurt. They didn't interfere with the expected outcome. The police were also there to keep onlookers away from the houses to protect the privacy of the owners during their time of loss.
The link to the pdf file didn't work, but I found links to both the short and long form of the reports which you can view here:
(short report)
And here:
(long report)

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