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What 's the deal with roosters?
My apologies to freestate. I won't perpetuate the hijack I started.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
two things caught my eye on my first visit to the Hilo side - the amount of roosters under a frames and the number of massage parlors - we were not in kansas anymore that was clear right away

I love other cultures - cockfighting heavily ingrained in this one it seems ...

as to the massage parlors ...... I dont know enough to make a call, but it seems to me there is lots of opportunity for vice on both fronts -

It speaks of freedom to me
Remember this toon?

Click on link and then scroll down two or three toons

Kathy H up to your racist jokes again?
"Da duck wen'win." Deffinetaly a racial slur

Good Lord, that death comment in Fern Forest sounds like that place should be renamed Forest Lawns

The Lack

The Lack Toons
Massage parlors?

We lived in Hilo area for a couple years and I can't say that I really noticed massage parlors. I know pay for play exists most everywhere but never noticed anything that looked obvious.

In fact one thing noticeably absent is strip clubs. The Big Island doesn't seem like a Puritanical outpost but I don't think I've ever seen one on the island.

Even in the Midwest a town the size of Hilo would probably have one. Another Island curiosity.

Hilo has a massage school where they teach people who want to get their Hawaii massage license. It is one of the tougher massage licenses to get and Hawaii does not let people transfer their license or training hours from another state, so even experienced massage therapists have to start over here. The students have to get a huge number of practice hours in, which is why there is that one block cluster of storefronts offering discount massages over by Bear's coffee and Kalakaua park. Hawaii also has a long tradition of healing massage which is passed down through families. I am pretty confident that most, if not all, of the storefront massage operations in Hilo will give you just that, a massage. Hilo is pretty conservative, if someone wants the "happy ending" type of "massage" I think they will have to go to Honolulu.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
To further take this train of track... there are a couple of hostess bars in Hilo, more known for being filled with middle aged or older hostesses... more saggy than seedy!
OK, I knew there were massage therapists in Hilo but never noticed anything seedy.

But I wasn't turning over rocks looking for them. Its just in other places I've lived they were more ubiquitous. In fact I never noticed anything like that by Bear's coffee.

Must not be much neon involved.

It really was baffling to me why something would be illegal and yet no attempt being made to conceal it.

Why are you saying that there is "no attempt to conceal it"?

Of course cock fighting is concealed. Do you see anyone setting up a ring next to the Hilo Farmers Market?

As long as the fighting takes place away from where the "general public" can see (or hear) it, law enforcement doesn't bother anyone. You can be sure that if someone was so stupid as to hold a fight in the "wrong" place, law enforcement would be there and there would be hell to pay, but no one is that stupid. The people putting on the fights have a good thing going. They just have to follow the "rules".
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".

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