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when jokes are taken too far, Punaweb related
Sorry, Kathy. I haven't seen the original allegedly slanderous characterizations and just cannot take them seriously given the source. If I had seen them, I certainly wouldn't repeat them. I avoid people of bad will when I can do so and try not to give them any attention, even when they are screaming for it. Rob cannot do anything about comments made elsewhere. We all can do something by not repeating them as the first comment in this thread may have done and by not giving them any further attention here. Sorry I made fun jest of them. The recent disruptions on this previously bucolic site all stem from one thing: an upswing in personal attacks. Those who launch such attacks, wherever they do it, need to be aware that there are laws that provide remedies should those attacks go too far, as determined by a jury.
OK, sounds like there are things happening that have spilled out of Punaweb and have gotten out of hand.

I'm not checking other blogs mentioned on Punaweb so don't know what going on in other forums.

I made some comments trying to make light of things and accusing some of trolling. Looks like I was off base, didn't know things were getting way past weird in the real world.

Hopefully this will calm down or that the authorities will take this seriously.

And some still wonder why some people don't post their names on internet forums.

Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

Interesting how few comments are here on this thread...

There are still 2-3 other threads ongoing with same area of interest. Maybe this one isn't as popular. <<Thank you KimoWires!

I have occasionally started a thread very few people replied to, as example recently "RIP Uncle Boogie" which I think was important as it was a loss to our community, and more important in my mind than Tom Lackey's antics, but no one only one response. Not one single post. Oh well, I guess better to put your 2 cents in on "fighting with a pig in the mud" (taken from a PW Post) than mourn a loss of a loving productive community member.
Just step back a moment, take a deep breath, get a cup of coffee (see below) and think about this: these "little boys" are really revealing themselves when they show their true colors through their actions. THEY've revealed themselves as bullies. THEY've made themselves the laughing stock of the community. The joke's on THEM.
Here you have KathyH, Orchidlandguy and Mauka who all claim over and over about how they value their anonymity, yet post all kinds of details about themselves and their lives in sometimes, quite long-winded posts. Mauka has even told people where to find him and on what date. What's up with that? All three have now made multiple, rather interesting comments on Tom's blog as well.

KathyH, who claims to be a member of multiple forums on the internet besides PunaWeb, writes complete novels about every place she has lived, worked, gone to school, where she has had houses, what has gone on with her multiple husbands, (we all know why that is) and details about her family that quite frankly, someone who values their anonymity should not ever be posting. (Yes, HathyH, it is all about you)


Your point is what?

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Quick update
Today, Tom Lackey posted on his blog that someone threatened his wife's life if he did not take his cartoons down. He in turn made a threat against whoever did it. He said that he and his wife are now under 24 hour police protection.

Naturally I was upset to hear this, for her, and in general. I abhor violence.

I called the police department. The thing is, they have no record of any criminal complaint from the Lackeys since 2009, and an officer assured me that they never do police protection, because they have no man power for it.
Meanwhile the cartoon posts have been removed.

Assume the best and ask questions.

mdd, your continual harping on me is completely unwanted and I am formally requesting you to cease discussing what you think of my personality. It's none of your business and frankly getting creepy that you're obsessed with my posting style. I could follow your posts and make derogatory comments about them, but that would be very weird and I'm not interested.

It's weird to make comments about me all the time when I don't interact with you. I do my best to ignore your posts, but you don't quit. Enough.


I am not sure we need or require updates here on what happens on another site. Mr. Lackey's membership is ended on Punaweb and I do not want Punaweb examining individuals who are not able to represent themselves here.

Please take note everyone.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
{section edited by the moderator}

To anyone of Tom's "friends" or "supporters" (one in particular) I would also strongly urge you to move on. To any of you that I might have written bad thoughts about during all of this, I really am deeply sorry. It really is out of character for me but I let you all get under my skin. My bad. It's more than just a little embarassing to me that I did so. Not to make excuses, but no matter what I said, you all just attributed very odd interpretations to my words. To John R., I am particularly sorry to you and offer my sincere apologies for what I put on Tom's site. I was trying to make a point but it was nothing but wrong. Again, very embarassing. I am really very sorry.
If anyone wants to respond to this with anything negative I would ask that before you hit "send reply," count to ten. Nothing good will come from extending this.
To Tom L , I am also offering my sincere apologies for any offenses against you real or perceived. I am very sorry for any pain I caused you. It was never my intention to call you a racist. I never did, I don't know you. I was reacting to your joke and everything that came after. Please accept my apologies and move on.
Please accept the above as sincere and in the spirit it is offered.
Thanks, Rob. I understand and appreciate it.

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