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..local disasters}preparedness}
Yep, my husband lived here during that exact period of the 70's. When we got here there was a Matson strike and his first thought was to buy TP because the strike would generate panicked buying. It's still the case here, but he had seen much worse shortages than I ever have.

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs
Toilet paper,Spam and rice. Even a hint of a dock strike and the shelves are empty of those three items. However, when we had the big earthquake, all of our neighbors were going door to door to check on everyone and make sure they were alright. The County was able to get out and check the bridges because some of our other neighbors with heavy equipment had been out clearing off the highway. So, we've already done the disasters and generally everyone pulls together and helps each other. Iniki and Iwa, same thing. Big community cook out, nobody had power but everyone had food.

Maybe people in condos behave differently, I dunno, but I trust my neighbors and they trust me.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
KathyH, supernovas don't explode at the speed of light, so we would see it coming. Maybe that's worse!
Regarding the astronomy side of things, I wouldn't worry about supernovae. There's been a lot of misleading stuff about this in the press over the years. A gamma ray burst, however, is another issue, that'd fry us in an instant. That's if one were to occur near us. And they won't unless we're incredibly unlucky. As far as astronomical threats to us go then it's asteroids and comets. We get hit by asteroids occasionally, some have caused mass extinctions on the planet, but they don't occur all that often and certainly none are expected in your lifetime, your children's lifetime or your grand children's lifetime etc.. And now we are close to dealing with them if we do discover one on a collision course.

Well, that might not happen if a tiny minority of people in the islands who despise progress have their way. I am sure they will be happy if a city gets wiped by an asteroid as long as their goddess is happy.

I've often thought that the end of our civilization will be brought about by chicken littles. I think it's unlikely but they do seem to be the types that want to panic everyone and you do know how the press loves to pander to sensationalism.

By the way, I'm curious about the OP's contention that sunspots or meteors aren't natural.

Lived on Maui and Oahu in 1971-1975 ,this is all true !!

The economy in Hawaii was trashed during the embargo and recession and eventually left me unemployed. Gas lines were extremely long. Much gas was wasted sitting in line but I never witnessed violence but I did observe much chatting while in line. TP became very scarce and would get stolen from public bathrooms. Best to have a little stash for emergencies when out and about. Same result with TP whenever a strike threatened. I think most everyone learned to hoard a small TP stash.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
There shouldn't be a need to stock up on those things at the time of the rumor or event. While I am sure that "emergency" rush to stock up will happen here at the time of such an event (economic, natural or man made disaster) the people (at least on the east side as that is where I have more experience) are more psychologically/physically ready to handle a crisis than just about any other place I've lived (especially Southern California where I spent most of my life), IMHO. I moved here specifically to get to an environment were there was a less dense population and the ability to readily grow food in case of such a storm (my prediction is more economic vs astrological).

On the other hand I believe it is a personal responsibility to prepare for the future and the things that may happen with a high percentage of probability. This means providing for food (either growing or storing), housing, and personal protection. Putting all your eggs in one basic in hoping that government can/will provide those things when times are the darkest is to ignore thousands of years of human history.

One thing to keep in mind is that even at the worst of times in history, humanity has survived. Great Depression -unemployment was over 30% yet that means at over half of the people had a means of income, Argentina in the 80's - yes life became very dangerous but the country is not a desert wasteland now, they have started to recover, Fall of Rome- etc, etc. (Though I understand the OH **** panic that happens when you first realize that society isn't as "safe" as you've been taught).

Originally posted by Obie

What if the sun burns out tomorrow ?

Well then we will soon die
Originally posted by pslamont

Condoman, you must be very new to Punaweb. We are a very well prepared, aware, thoughtful population. Many if not most of us have supplies to last us not only through a strike but any natural disaster. Many of us are (or are nearly) sustainable on our land. Take a deep breath and if this truly brings you great anxiety, Rob may be right... this remote place might not be the best place for you.

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

I will decide thankyou where the best place is to live. We do not all have your kind of bank account to be able to afford the supplies etc for preparedness. Please do not talk with your nose in air. Thankyou in advance
Originally posted by punafish

A "disaster-survival model" worth studying was put on display during Japan's recent tsunami in a tiny village called Mizuhama. ...the spirit of what they accomplished is an inspiring example for all of us emulate

That was so interesting, punafish. I loved that nothing high tech about it, just community working together.

(Edited to delete anything already said!)

Maybe the good thing about all this rain, is it is getting people thinking about preparation that maybe they dont do when it is sunny and beach weather! Waiting for it to stop raining is a good time to inventory your disaster kit, and make lists of what you need.
Thanks the the DOD we are blessed with nice long runways on each island. - I think we lead the national "runway footage per person" statistics - There are enough Boeings in the world to keep the "stuff" flowing to Hawaii if needed imho

I think we are very fortunate in that respect

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