Originally posted by PaulW....
Laughing girl, you do know that Ron Paul opposes women having the right to do what they like with their own bodies, I assume?
Yes, I do know that. Fortunately the Supreme Court is the one who made this decision. What I do like is that he will abide by the Constitution. I also know that Romney is Mormon and as such his beliefs are going to be much different than my more liberal views. Newt is against homosexualaity. They all have issues that I do not agree with. It is what they do with those ideas. Are they forced upon us?
It is a choice between some one like Newt (who talks family values) and someone like Romney who has probably never had a day in his life when he had to worry about how is was going to pay his rent.
And both of them seem to not have a lot to say about the military.
I voted for Obama. I am disheartened by his military stances. So do I trade one abortion for one young person being killed in the war? How many of Hawaii's sons and daughters have we lost already in this 10 yr war? That's my choices. It is not an easy one for any of us no matter what side you are on.
If Ron Paul was a pretty boy like Romney, or even Rick Perry would we be having this conversation? One of my friends called Ron Paul a "dweeb". Because he doesnt have the charisma of the Kennedy's? (Too bad Marilyn Monroe or Mary Jo Kopechne aren't around to speak of that.)
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men, living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." Frederic Bastiat
I have no doubt that this applied to our own county, predating the subdivision changes back in the 60's. How many times have we heard "Hawaiian time" in regards to business here in the state? We have such a top heavy government that it is beginning to topple from it's own weight.
We are going to have our own nice guys who do the right thing versus big business here in our county too - 'specially if Harry Kim throws his hat in the ring.
Yes, March! Picked up Dems instead.