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Ron Paul Waimea sign wave, Mon & Fri Jan 23, 27
So, now a "party" is the same as a "person", just like the "corporations" are the same as "people"? This mentality is EXACTLY why we must have a Constitutionalist like Dr. Ron Paul in the white house before all our civil liberties are eroded.

I believe Dr Ron Paul will still be in the game on August 11, 2012 ETA: although the Republican caucus is March 13, 2012.

I find when name calling gets involved it is because you have no logical argument. So call me whatever degrading things you'd like, or tell me my choice is ludicrous because of a time of day posted, or if I like a particular candidate I must need tin-foil. I think the same was thought of Jerry Brown at one time but now there are even some Republicans behind him.

I still would like our State of Hawaii government, heck even our County of Hawaii government to be more like what Dr. Paul believes our federal government should be:

Lower spending and smaller government
Lower taxes
Less legislation and more civil liberty

and my personal favorite which could affect us in Puna strongly as it is well known Hemp would grow well here:

"He believes that states should be able to decide whether to allow production of hemp, which can be used in producing sustainable biofuels, and has introduced bills into Congress to allow states to decide this issue; North Dakota, particularly, has built an ethanol plant with the ability to process hemp as biofuel and its farmers have been lobbying for the right to grow hemp for years."

So honestly as a cartoon that went around this AM:

Newt Gingrinch and Family Values: Would you want some one who uses your daughters from your 1st wife to convince every one that your second wife is lying about your 3rd wife?

ETA: Rob, I know we are skirting the outermost edges of your rules so I noted where it relates to Puna / Hawaii County / Hawaii State

Moderator: You did fine.
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
This was an announcement. Participate if like, don't if not. It didn't ask for anyone's permission. It didn't ask for approval by anyone. If anyone has a problem with the date, time, location, etc...organize your own Ron Paul sign waving!

IMHO, Dr. Ron Paul is the only choice if we value peace, freedom, and liberty. If you don't know about him, please take the time and do the research.
"Aluminum foil is on sale at Safeway. There is also a 75 cent off coupon if you buy parchment to go with your foil. "
Sound familiar?

Laughing girl, you do know that Ron Paul opposes women having the right to do what they like with their own bodies, I assume?

I'm glad you don't call anyone who is against Ron Paul a fascist, like some people.

When is the Republican primary in Hawaii? Isn't it March 13th?
Originally posted by PaulW....

Laughing girl, you do know that Ron Paul opposes women having the right to do what they like with their own bodies, I assume?

Yes, I do know that. Fortunately the Supreme Court is the one who made this decision. What I do like is that he will abide by the Constitution. I also know that Romney is Mormon and as such his beliefs are going to be much different than my more liberal views. Newt is against homosexualaity. They all have issues that I do not agree with. It is what they do with those ideas. Are they forced upon us?

It is a choice between some one like Newt (who talks family values) and someone like Romney who has probably never had a day in his life when he had to worry about how is was going to pay his rent.

And both of them seem to not have a lot to say about the military.

I voted for Obama. I am disheartened by his military stances. So do I trade one abortion for one young person being killed in the war? How many of Hawaii's sons and daughters have we lost already in this 10 yr war? That's my choices. It is not an easy one for any of us no matter what side you are on.

If Ron Paul was a pretty boy like Romney, or even Rick Perry would we be having this conversation? One of my friends called Ron Paul a "dweeb". Because he doesnt have the charisma of the Kennedy's? (Too bad Marilyn Monroe or Mary Jo Kopechne aren't around to speak of that.)

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men, living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." Frederic Bastiat

I have no doubt that this applied to our own county, predating the subdivision changes back in the 60's. How many times have we heard "Hawaiian time" in regards to business here in the state? We have such a top heavy government that it is beginning to topple from it's own weight.

We are going to have our own nice guys who do the right thing versus big business here in our county too - 'specially if Harry Kim throws his hat in the ring.

Yes, March! Picked up Dems instead.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
It was a fabulous day in Waimea with lots of energy for 11 people. It was very well received and people were supportive. Got lots of thumbs up, shakas, waves, even from a police officer and salutatory sirens from the ambulance! Great to co-mingle with freedom fighters and discuss issues that are crucial to our peace and freedom. Next one is Friday! Come join the Revolution!
As someone who staunchly espouses personal freedoms and liberties, Dr. Paul DOEN'T "oppose women having the right to do what they like with their own bodies" This is highly misleading. I can understand his position as an obstetrician who delivered over 4000 babies that abortion would be an emotional stance, but defers to State rights and has said that he won't be making these decisions anyways. Ron Paul is a straight shooter. He doesn't lie just to get elected or to be popular. He won't win any beauty or popularity contests, but he'll protect the Constitution with everything he's got. That speaks volumes. The rest are just provocateurs trying to malign him.
Oh really?
Paul calls himself "strongly pro-life"[140] and "an unshakable foe of abortion".[141] In 2005, 2007, 2009, and again in 2011, Paul introduced the Sanctity of Life Act, which would have life defined as beginning at conception at the Federal level

How do you think he will do in Florida? Will he still even be on the ballot in Hawaii?
"I am an imperfect messenger, but the message is perfect" – Ron Paul

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