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Hawaiian Electric to raise rates because of solar
I just got a letter in the mail from Heco explaining to me ways that I can save money on my electric bill. Do they think everyone in Hawaii is a moron? The stuff they suggest like using fans instead of air conditioners, turning off lights if your not using them and waiting for a full load before using a dryer insult my intelligence (and Im not that intelligent in the first place!). Helco has their hands in everything with regard to power and will increase costs regardless of the outcry until one day soon only the rich will be able to live here. They don't have to send information out to make us think that their trying to help.
I used to know a guy that worked in management for Southern California Edison (lower level management). As a business oriented person I had a hard time understanding how a business could be expected to increase earnings (the goal of stockholders) while at the same time marketing towards decreased volume of sales. The reason they produce these stupid promotions to encourage lowered electric consumption is to meet goals set by the PUC and because they think that people are that stupid that this simpleton stuff is required.(IMO they may be correct lol).

Running an electric grid requires a large amount of fixed costs. To lower your fixed costs per unit you would either need to increase volume (increasing usage) or lower fixed costs (remove service to unprofitable areas). Since this is a government controlled industry and their rules state you can do neither, then someone has to pay the increased costs due to inefficiency. It will either be the users (higher rates) or taxpayers in general (increase in government subsidies).

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