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Lepto alert for dog owners
Thanks for sharing your experience. I would have been off-guard about this without your post.
I forgot to mention that some vets may leave off lepto, out of a vaccination combo shot if a dog has a hard time with that serum contained in the shot. Two reasons, one is the that Lepto is commanly at fault if a dog has a reaction to the shot and also the active Lepto that is in the vicinity is not covered in the vaccination. Hopefully your next progress report will be a favorable one for Lika. On the diet, usually a diet of cooked rice and chicken will bring their appetite back up and put some weight back on them while they heal.

All the best to you and Lika!


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
Thanks Carol for posting about your experiences.

We finally fell into being a dog parent. (after years of being Kitty servants).

I know nothing about dogs as I havent had a dog in 30 yrs.

I didnt know about Lepto. That sounded bad and I am glad your pups are doing better. I do know to check and get rid of puddles where radiator fluid might be in our driveway.

Does anyone know about the Parvo shots? This little guy was a stray so we do not know what shots he has had, or not. He is going to see the vet on Apr 2 (soonest appt available as she is out of town on Vacation) for his all around check-up, neuter, etc. But my neighbor says i should go get his Parvo shot now. (We do not even know for sure how old he is as he is a very small dog but not under 6 months we think.) Can they get two Parvo shots? Can a doc tell if he has had one before?

Parvo can be transmitted by common house flies from feces of infected animals to the pup - Pups will have their mothers resistance for a little while (weeks) then they need the vaccine right away.

Parvo can also be tracked in on the bottom of shoes - its nasty stuff

I have lost a few dogs to parvo. Not a pretty site. Although I have been able to save a few as well. It takes a lot of work but can be done. My were infected by other dogs carrying it, and they survived. Thanks for sharing that parvo can be carried in house flies, I had no idea that they did.
Mindy got her lepto shot today. She will get another in another 6 months. Thanks, csgray, and commentor for the heads up. My experience with vets here is that you are in the driver's seat. Vets are very restrained here in what they will suggest for pets, for economic reasons that I understand and appreciate. My mainland vet, who loved Mindy (and saved her life when all other vets told me she was going to die), wrote me a lengthy e-mail after Mindy had her within-10-days-of-departure exam and health clearance. She indicated that Mindy had a tooth problem that needed treatment on a priority, but not urgent, basis. I took her into a vet here right away. He examined her, smiled, and did not seem concerned at all about her teeth or anything else. I had to push for ear medication for ear scratching that she had never exhibited in her life, but which she engaged in within two weeks of her arrival. The very caring and sweet vet tech forgot the medication on the way out and I had to say "Where is it?".

Went to East Hawaii vet today and they seemed more on top of things. The vet tech was very knowledgeable, but no one is as knowledgeable as a concerned parent. The doctor was sweet and a little dithering, but knowledgeable and concerned enough to carefully read through my dog's lengthy chart. I liken it to a welder with a skill -- you may have to tell them where to weld though and where to focus that skill. He regarded the teeth issue as very important as well, had no trouble recognizing the issue in seconds and we did schedule surgery.

And Mindy (who loves to drink from puddles) got her lepto shot thanks to you.
Parvo stays in the enviornment for months. Walls/floors of a vet clinic can harbor it. They would have to spray the whole thing down with disinfectant to get it totally out. But a good thorough cleaning usually is enough. just think, A previously infected young dog could have been there in the minutes before you bring a pup in for vaccinations. I always ask before bringing one in for vaccinations, any sick parvo puppies in there recently? I usually just do my own vaccinations, but if you were bring one in that was unvacciantaed, I would carry them in and hold on lap before letting them walk or sniff around a vet clinic and would only place them down on their clean stainless steel table and then back in the car. Cleaning iwth disinfectant my own shoes before getting back in my car. The vet I worked for, her own pup came down with parvo when she brought it into the clinic for its first series of shots. She was so mad at the techs.

Glen, I am sure Mindy will do very will under your dilligance, love and care there in Hawaii. Just so that you know, ear problems are the number one reason dogs see a vet. You will find ear mites are more problematic on the islands that possibly where you lived. I would just keep on hand an ear mite killer and a good supply of ear cleaner and powder, to keep problems from starting. For ear mites, I also have used Ivermectin, putting a small dab in the ear and killed the mites, while repeating in a week when more eggs hatch out. Ear mites can cause an infection if unchecked, then requiring antibiotic ear drops. But if you clean ears once a week and keep them dry, you will find any ear problems before they become large problems, which can lead to deafness in pets if let go on too long.

Importantly, did you get to ask the vet what kind of Lepto is on Island? because if the Lepto shot covers it, you are good to go with Minday, if not then the Lepto shot will not be of help. 8 types of Lepto and not many are covered in the vaccination.


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
Originally posted by Lucy... 8 types of Lepto and not many are covered in the vaccination....

Thanks. I had no idea. How do you get them all covered?
fort dodge makes a vaccine effective against the 4 most common types - "Pomona" being the latest emerging variant of the strain....

wet climates aid in transmission btw.....
True Bullwinkle, but I would choose the Pfizer brand as it is a much better than Ft. Dodge and contains the same, also need to beware of reactions to the vaccine, initial vaccination includes two separate doses. :-)
Just to be clear this is not in the 7 in one vaccine but a separate vaccination that you would need to request.

Please read more about Ronald Schultz and the vaccine challenge studies, also with the rabies vaccine challenge studies. Over vaccination is causing much more auto immune diseases to be showing up in our companion animals. Certain Vaccinations do last longer than one year, as it does in humans and there is no need to revaccinate until needed.

Here is an letter containing links that might start you out on reading about this important issue in your pets life.

The DVD of the 2010 Safer Pet Vaccination Seminar is finally available! Refresh your memory of what you learned if you attended the event. Find out what you missed if you didn't! Also, help convince your veterinarian and friends about important changes in vaccination.

This 2 hour DVD contains the live 2010 presentation by world-renowned pet vaccination expert W. Jean Dodds, DVM. Event organizer Jan Rasmusen edited the DVD to pack in the most important information. You'll also hear:

The 2010 Q & A Session with Dr. Dodds and world-renowned scientist Ronald D. Schultz, PhD
Bonus presentations and Q & A from a 2009 vaccination seminar with Drs. Dodds and Schultz
Bonus audio from Dr. Dodds' recorded interview about canine and feline thyroid disease
Plus these options ... the 57-page Program Guide with articles by Dodds and Schultz
A year's free subscription to Dogs Naturally Magazine on-line (a $14.95 value)
The DVD covers everything you need to know about safer vaccination plus heartworm prevention, titer testing, adverse reactions and more. All proceeds less actual shipping costs benefit the Rabies Challenge Fund study of the rabies vaccine. Click here to learn more about the DVD: To order now, click here:

Please tell your friends and pet care providers about this rare opportunity to hear the world's top experts explain how to vaccinate safely. The DVD is appropriate for pet lovers, vets, trainers -- anyone interested in pet health. Purchase additional copies for holiday gifts. I promise you won't be disappointed.


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PO Box 675446
Rancho Santa Fe, CA


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

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