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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Originally posted by Chunkster

" . . . Billy is permanently damaged as a public figure."

Finally something we can agree on. If nothing else comes out of all this, we can at least be spared the likelihood of Kenoi in some higher office.

I wouldn't bet my lunch money on that... I lived in DC for almost 30 years. Mayor Marion Barry was as popular/controversial/potentially corrupt as Billy. In 1990 Barry was caught in a hotel smoking crack with a woman who was not his wife. He was jailed for 6 months. Upon release, he ran for and was elected to the City Council. He later ran for mayor and was reelected. In subsequent years he was accused of drug possession, stalking, tax evasion and other charges, yet he continued to be reelected and served on the City Council until his death in 2014.

No one should be considered politically dead until they are physically dead.

Note: edited for typos
Rich has a point, and note that I qualified my remark with the term "likelihood." Anything can happen in politics, but becoming governor, U.S. Congressman, or U.S. Senator, is now exponentially more difficult for Kenoi.

One of my friends who lives in D.C. commented on Barry's resurgence by noting that a significant number of his constituents had the same bad habits of drug use, tax evasion, etc. that he had.

Edited for typo
"PCard used to purchase large amount of alcohol "

Snipped from the article:

"A July 8 letter by Takata to Kenoi attorney Todd Eddins explained the prosecution’s tampering allegations.

An Oct. 21, 2011, charge for $320 at the Hilo Yacht Club was a going-away luncheon for Kevin Dayton — then a Kenoi executive assistant, now a Honolulu Star-Advertiser reporter — instead of an office strategic planning luncheon as listed, according to the correspondence.

The letter said “beer and whiskey purchased from Longs Drugs was not for ‘Sam Choy’s Poke Contest Volunteer Appreciation Event.’”

The letter didn’t say what the liquor was for, but pCard records show Kenoi spent $125.95 at the Kailua-Kona Longs store on March 17, 2013, St. Patrick’s Day. The celebrity chef’s poke contest was the prior day.

Takata’s letter also said a $200 charge at Volcano House Restaurant on June 30, 2014, was not for a “luncheon with U.S. Conference of Mayors visitors,” but lunch with Alexander Cochran, his wife and children. According to the letter, Cochran told an investigator for the AG he never worked for the U.S. Conference of Mayors and said he never told Kenoi that he did.

It may be a rehash or rewrite of the local paper's article, but the Associated Press has picked this story up, and it's the lead item on the "Top News" section of today's digital Honolulu Star Advertiser:
Takata said the mayor “alleges that his status as a public figure entitles him to special consideration that has never been extended to any other criminal defendant.”

Thats not the response I expect from someone who was caught with his hand in the county cookie jar..

..Bad boys,Bad boys what we gonna do...let ya out on bail for a buck or two...
The creepiest part of it all is that most everyone I know, knew Kenoi and his family are mob related and dangerous at the time he first ran for mayor, AND HE WAS STILL ELECTED??? We were shocked as we watched him get the majority of the vote. This does not speak well for our local population, not well at all. What are the values of the majority of our population who voted him in? Actually I don't want to know, it will be easier not knowing to stand next to them in line at the grocery store.
Was the vehicle being driven to buy these large amounts of alcohol or go to these nightclubs also paid for by the public?
If so, The Mayor should have been buying his alcohol on his own time, in his own vehicle, with his own money and not the enabling publics. jmo

Can we assume or is it fair to say that our Mayor may have always paid for his alcohol, meals, and many bar tabs with this P-Card? Does he carry around large amounts of cash or other credit cards for these kinds of daily large purchases?

This kind of binge drinking by our Mayor does help explain to "me" why the ROD never got the attention it deserved back in 2010-11. I repeatedly called and invited Mr Dayton and the Mayor out to my neighborhood to take an early look at the Ohia devastation while it was still confined in a small area or two around the Geothermal power plant and steam vents. Unfortunately, The Ohia was not a priority until a couple years later. jmo
binge drinking by our Mayor does help explain to "me" why the ROD never got the attention it deserved

Punaweb should give out prizes for this kind of thing.
Punaweb should give out prizes for this kind of thing.

Might I suggest?
30 days free at the gypsy Ohia ROD & Rehab Institute.
A non-hierarchical facility run by the residents.

“We’ve got to be as clear-headed about human beings as possible, because we are still each other’s only hope,” James Baldwin to Margaret Mead in the book A Rap On Race
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Ohia ROD & Rehab Institute

Thursday night "All Things Cause ROD" seminars are privately held, but open to the public.


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