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When, not If lava crosses 130...
Then the county would somehow be responsible for the damages.

Riiiiight. Good one.
I wonder how the major land owners view such a diversionary tactic - shipman, lyman, KS/Bishop - because - lets be serious - those are the opinions that matter around here, right?
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

I believe using water to cool and direct the flow has been used with some success

seems less drastic than using bombers - they have been tried in the past I believe.

We need OpihikaoBob to direct his 'visitors' to use their freeze ray on the flow. Or maybe that's what all the 'chemtrail' practicing around here is all about - for seeding the clouds above the flow!!
You don't have to attack people because they are different from you.
about 5 gallons a minute having significant impact according to the read. 4" trash pumps are pretty cheap - light enough - two people could carry them in if needed, deliver more like 5 gallons a second....

fire department has the tanker trucks, a d-9 to cut in an access road

when do we roll? - grin
Originally posted by rainyjim

I wonder how the major land owners view such a diversionary tactic - shipman, lyman, KS/Bishop - because - lets be serious - those are the opinions that matter around here, right?

You don't have to attack people because they are different from you.
I don't see how recognizing the influential families is an attack, but hey more power to you for attacking me for so little reason?
"about 5 gallons a minute having significant impact according to the read. 4" trash pumps are pretty cheap - light enough - two people could carry them in if needed, deliver more like 5 gallons a second...."

Your'e kidding right? This is what they ended up with in Iceland :

"Thirty-two pumps, each with a capacity of up to 1000 litres per second (265 US gallons per second), were brought in from the USA. After these pumps began to cool the flow advancing towards the town, its movement slowed dramatically and soon stopped."
The important thing is to work on a doable plan other than Harry Kim's "those people can go back to where they came from" ( direct quote)
Super8 - you're saying that an artificial lava tube needs to be built, above ground, all the way from Pu'u O'o to the ocean. I'd love to see exactly how that could be done. You want to keep the lava with low viscosity, I understand that, but how do you actually build that tube?

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