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School Walkouts
Australia Australia Australia! Can you make it a ticket to Perth? Haven't been there yet.

Now I may not know much about guns but I think when the Founding Fathers were around most if not all firearms were single shot.
It's telling that when someone wants common sense restrictions like that, which is all they knew of at the time (and not just me, but also the more reasonable gun owners), then one is labelled "unAmerican". I think it's unAmerican to force the consequences of your foolish choices on to everyone else.

If I could be certain that your automatic weaponry would remain in your house for you to all shoot each other with then I would have
no problem whatsoever. But that's not what happens. More guns = more shootings.
I wasn't expecting 17 pages about the second amendment. The thread was about the first amendment.Do these students have the right to protest peacefully, or not? I say yes they do.

Are they breaking the law? It doesn't matter. Peaceful protestors from times and issues past (Civil rights, voting rights, anti war,etc)fully understood that their stand may get them into trouble. It doesn't matter; Change happens.

What does matter is that these young demonstrators are quickly learning that they represent the future and can bring about that change. This realization supersedes school rules.

Are they being influenced by the left? Sure. Just like those Civil rights, voting rights, and anti war protestors of the past.

Please don't imply that influence isn't happening on the flip side of the issue; even if it's more in the form of huge sums of money to our legislators. That type of influence is difficult to overcome.

You go students! Take a stand, register to vote. Protect your first amendment rights. In the past those were exercised by passing out flyers or holding secret meetings. You now have an evolved arsenal of weapons at your disposal; Communication networks, Social media and your vast numbers.....The future is yours.
What does matter is that these young demonstrators are quickly learning that they represent the future and can bring about that change. This realization supersedes school rules.

They're finding out they don't need congress to change the rules. They've already managed to get national chain stores to voluntarily regulate the sale of guns. And just today, Citigroup jumped on board with new rules for all of their banking customers who sell guns. They'll no longer do business with clients who refuse to make background checks, sell to anyone under 21, or carry bump stocks.

High school kids have figured out they don't need politicians to change the rules. They have a majority of Amercans already on their side. That's the power of the 1st Amendment. The pen mightier than the sword. There are new rules in play, and NRA bribes are rapidly dropping in value every day.

Don't forget, March For Our Lives tomorrow in Hilo, 1:00 PM.
See the future.

If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
At this point I'm just enjoying Paul's feigned rhetoric and calling people names when they all asleep then him melting down BC no one taking his bait.
LOL! He called me a racist because I referenced FBI statistics on black crime in America. Guess that makes the FBI racist, also. No wonder Comey and McCabe were fired. If he could increase his intelligence and write anything but Democrat Party talking points, he might be a worthy debater. Maybe he's really Tom Perez vacationing in Hawaii.

This is the ugly face of gun ownership in USA 2018. Saying we need more guns because we have too many people with a dark pigment in their skin.
Is this really the side you want to be on?
You didn’t reference any statistics. All of your facts are sucked straight out of your thumb.
"Reply with Quote
"You didn’t reference any statistics. All of your facts are sucked straight out of your thumb." PaulW 03/23/18 23:29:32

Is it just me thinking this or is this topic causing Paul to go to water ?

Please Paul, your really not your full self right now and talking nonsense.

I'm not kidding, step back for sec my friend.

It will be interesting to see if the next school shooter participated in one of these marches...

Old Croc just gives his opinions, claims they are facts and does not back them up with any sources.
Too bad if you don’t like me saying that, I could not care less what you think.
It will be interesting to see if the next school shooter participated in one of these marches...

Right from the playbook!
"I'm not saying that..."
"Some people say..."
"It will be interesting to see..."

I think the word you're looking for is... tragic.
It would be tragic if there's another school shooting.
But you already seem to accept there will be one ("if the next school shooter") and it's simply an exercise in curiosity as to the background of the shooter. Then, the one and only suggestion you put forward is, as usual, based on absolutely nothing other than some personal political agenda. If a future shooter attended a march against guns, you would be ready with a custom made talking point. Nice.

Here's what I wonder. What if the marches in Hilo, Waimea, and Honolulu and in 843 other cities today (500,000 expected in D.C.) lead to some kind of reduction in school shootings? Or, is it too much to hope mass shootings are almost eliminated from the national landscape and we can send our keiki to school just like human beings in every other civilized country across the world? Otherwise what's next? Common sense proposals from our overlords at the NRA that American kids proudly wear school uniforms to class made of bullet proof Kevlar?

I'll leave you with this quote today from one of the march participants, Paul McCartney:
“One of my best friends was shot not far from where we are right now,” a reference to the late John Lennon, killed on Dec. 8, 1980. McCartney sported a black T-shirt declaring, “We can end gun violence.”

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Highway 11 and Puainako
1:00 PM
Holding an umbrella today is better than wearing Kevlar the rest of your life

If you want to combine the dual pleasures of insanity and social acceptance, religion is your only choice. - Last Aphorisms
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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