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Mayor Kenoi wants off on a technicality
Maybe that was a stretch.
Should of said he isn't all bad.
Just a bit foolish.
Why can't this all be handled internally?
How much is this trial gonna cost taxpayers?
Probably more than he spent.
I bet he will get off.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
All it takes is one juror with your sentiments kimo and he could get off. Not sure why folks don't understand how important it is to prosecute this type of crime. When it starts at the top and goes unpunished the rest of the tree is rotten. The mayor sets an example of either criminal corruption or honest use of taxpayers money. There is nothing in between.

Even if you don't pay taxes and collect lots freebies in Puna, at least have some respect for those who do work hard and expect at the very least our seniors have some transportation to get to the store, doctors etc...
Kimo's post..Why can't this all be handled internally? ....
Right??? By who ? our moral County civil servants...or our State that supposedly manages this program?
Most likely because no County worker is going to risk his own job or his pension to assist the citizens of our County by upholding any law. The oversight needs to come from somewhere else.
I'm in total agreement with Punatic007. Yes, it is about using taxpayers money for self indulgence AND this is also an example of how corruption takes over and controls.....when everyone is afraid for their own positions in someone else's wrongdoing, they end up aiding and abetting.
This is just 1 Pcard many more government employees are taking advantage of the taxpayers in this fashion?
No reason the governor can't have a task force to keep an eye on the county governments.

And periodically check the books.
How much is this trial gonna cost taxpayers?
Probably more than he spent.

Doesn't matter. All corruption within government needs to be investigated and the person's responsible, charged for those offenses, to the fullest extent. Anything less encourages more corruption.
When Kenoi started to shed a tear on the stand......i was ready to throw up !
There's clear cut guidelines on what p-cards can be used for.
So there should be clear cut guidelines on what recourse will be taken if the rules are broken.
Seems pretty simple to me.
I don't see what's wrong with just making him pay it back and fine him.
How can anyone think they can get away with theft when there are records with their name on them? Especially a Lawyer.
The whole thing is ridiculous.
Billy is a likable guy to lots of local folks.
He seems sincere when he said he never meant to hurt the community.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
He seems sincere when he said he never meant to hurt the community.
He probably didn't.
However, he also thought he would never be caught. Why would a married man go to the "hostess bars"? Because he thought he would never be caught, especially if spending government money that he thought would never be caught spending either!
Well I thought of that. I'm not defending his character.
He had to know that anywhere he used the card and signed his name to it that there would be a record/trail.
He was careless and didn't think it through. Or he was a criminal.
Seems obvious to me that It was just careless.

If he was really trying to steal money he could have gotten cash advances and claimed that it was for something else. Cash advances aren't allowed either but he could have used that for cover.
It doesn't look like there was criminal intent.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
It doesn't look like there was criminal intent.
Not paying back many of the charges until after the newspaper article came out shows that he didn't intend on paying them back. Many months went by on some of those charges he made. He also used his position to try and sweep those charges aside.

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