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dengue fever could be here to stay
self quarantine like any responsible person would

Call in sick to work ... find another job.
After the acute illness stage the main thing is to stay away from mosquitos, so a mall employee could go to work safely, but a landscaper or D9 operator really should stay home. One of the initial concerns over in Kona was the possibility of coffee pickers and farm workers spreading it through the workplace, I do not know how the farmers and DOH resolved that. The person I know has multiple jobs, she went to work at the retail job, but didn't go to the farm site for a month. I wondered about the transfer stations as a vector risk when I was looking at how wet they were Saturday.

"The DOH and Civil Defense continue to closely watch Puna, but are encouraged that there have been no new recent cases there following a campaign to spread information and get rid of standing water, Park said. The Kona Coast from Keauhou to Milolii continues to be the greatest area of concern."

It would appear that the onslaught of recent new cases in HPP reported here is just false rumor. The education campaign mentioned in the article has been going on for several weeks now so if there are a cluster of new cases in HPP the DOH apparently doesn't know about it.
get rid of standing water

Still waiting for the "declared emergency" that would allow entry onto absentee landowners' properties. There's a pile of tires about a mile from here, visible from the road and apparently ignored.
Shockwave rider good morning to ya.
I can assure you dengue is alive and well on 12th st and Makuu of P.Park. the property my friend and his family lived on has been sprayed three times in the last month + many mosquito traps have been set up on the property since the dengue was confirmed. My friend and his son who were sick are now in Oregon with the rest of his family. The two neighbors who also have contacted the dengue virus are still living on their properties adjacent to his. The general area around his property is very over grown with vacant lots, squatters, and one who is still sick with the virus. (A little dengue investigative attention to this area should be done,jmo,not sure who could do this though?)
Who ever is responsible for spraying the properties after confirmed cases are reported(DoH?) should probably know about this dengue cluster AND this areas kinds of mosquitoes, or breeding habits by now.
P.S. Just to make sure Shockwave rider, I am going to call my friend in the next couple of days to "double check" the dengue situations information.
A map from the health department dated the 23rd:
Another beach park closed...

Originally posted by gypsy69

Shockwave rider good morning to ya.
I can assure you dengue is alive and well on 12th st and Makuu of P.Park. the property my friend and his family lived on has been sprayed three times in the last month + many mosquito traps have been set up on the property since the dengue was confirmed. My friend and his son who were sick are now in Oregon with the rest of his family. The two neighbors who also have contacted the dengue virus are still living on their properties adjacent to his. The general area around his property is very over grown with vacant lots, squatters, and one who is still sick with the virus. (A little dengue investigative attention to this area should be done,jmo,not sure who could do this though?)
Who ever is responsible for spraying the properties after confirmed cases are reported(DoH?) should probably know about this dengue cluster AND this areas kinds of mosquitoes, or breeding habits by now.
P.S. Just to make sure Shockwave rider, I am going to call my friend in the next couple of days to "double check" the dengue situations information.

When our neighbors' daughter who frequently visits her parents was diagnosed the health department sprayed theirs and all the properties in skeeter range 3 times, once a week for 3 weeks. It is a low spot with mangos and blue rock creating a bog.
I know I have posted this before, but for anyone new to this information, here is a proven way to reduce and practically eliminate mosquitos around your property. You must first get rid of any standing water. Once that is done, make some mosquito traps and regularly refresh them. Here is a site with
Update to the outbreak of Dengue here.

I dont expect this dengue infected number to hold at 181 for much longer. This dengue report is a bit troubling because we know of at least two new dengue cases since christmas. We have a very good young friend who spent her Christmas in the hospital due to this outbreak. Again they found out about a neighbors case of dengue, after they were in the hospital themselves for dengue.

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