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HPP mailbox vote
I put a stop to the free mailboxes because we were told almost 10 years ago that the USPS would no longer provide CBU's .

I spent 2 years studying their rules and now my subdivision can get mail addressed to our house addresses .

Your current mailboxes and the location does not meet USPS standards !

It will catch up with you someday !!
Mermaid, there are two types of receivership. One is due to financial insolvency and the other is for when a person or entity has proven incapable of handling their own affairs. The latter is the type HPP underwent before. You can look this up yourself, but believe me, I've researched it. As long as the bond holders keep getting paid, why should they care how the business of road maintenance is organized and supervised? Administrative receivership is not necessarily the same as bankruptcy.

I really do respect the fact that you have done your best to make things better in the face of abuse, but where has it gotten us? How many times have we been told that going to one more meeting or going through one more by-law revision will do the trick? That civic hobbyist approach doesn't work and just digs us into a deeper hole. The ineptitude goes back way before the firings of 2014, but I'm not going to list all the fiascos. Instead, I will check out of this fruitless discussion for now and do what I can to support receivership.

As things develop can you keep the rest of us in the loop Chunkster, for whomever wants to join the effort?
Thanks for your response on receivership Chunkster.

Our bylaws haven't been worked on since Jul 2010. New things have come to light since then. Whether we have receivership or a property mgmt company running HPP, we'll still need bylaws.
Originally posted by Obie
I got pissed off when people started posting that the USPS in Keeau was going to provide you with free mailboxes !!

I put a stop to that !!

You must've missed those board mtgs over the past year and a half when dist 2 rep (who was working on the mailboxes) and the GM sd we'd be getting 4,000 free mailboxes. The USPS later w/drew their offer. You might ask dist 2 rep why the offer was w/drawn. Maybe you can let us know why. Mahalo Obie.
"I Shouldn't be posting here because I don't own property in HPP but I would like to remind everyone that I previously offered my expertise in putting together a mailbox committee/association!"

You say you have experitse, Obie, I'm wondering if you would pass on some of your expertise , right here on Punatalk.?? .....'USPS MAIL DELIVERY 101"
I certainly have never researched the USPS obligation in delivering mail to US households, or for that matter, their obligation in providing P. O. boxes for areas that have no postal service.
Could we start here?
I have often wondered why some private subdivisions have mail delivery while some do not. And why some rural areas of our country, Texas comes to mind, have delivery on unpaved roads???
Just what is their obligation? And how do they decide?
another question, that may be further down in this discussion, is how would a Federal Government entity expect a homeowner's association (organized for road maintenance only)to violate it's own bylaws by assuming responsibility for property owners in negotiating mail delivery?

I cannot get an address for my lot until I have a building permit? Is this true?
Originally posted by Kenney

Mahalo SWR! I thought about calling the Postmaster about this issue today but didn't.
If I'm going to give anyone $ for my mailbox (of 35 years) it isn't going to be HPPOA. They already have their hands deep enough in our pockets. Too bad they don't realize that their kuliana is roads, not mailboxes. Typical HPPOA bs.

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love" RUMI
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love" RUMI
I cannot get an address for my lot until I have a building permit? Is this true?

Originally posted by reni

"I Shouldn't be posting here because I don't own property in HPP but I would like to remind everyone that I previously offered my expertise in putting together a mailbox committee/association!"

You say you have experitse, Obie, I'm wondering if you would pass on some of your expertise , right here on Punatalk.?? .....'USPS MAIL DELIVERY 101"
I certainly have never researched the USPS obligation in delivering mail to US households, or for that matter, their obligation in providing P. O. boxes for areas that have no postal service.
Could we start here?

I have often wondered why some private subdivisions have mail delivery while some do not. And why some rural areas of our country, Texas comes to mind, have delivery on unpaved roads???
Just what is their obligation? And how do they decide?
another question, that may be further down in this discussion, is how would a Federal Government entity expect a homeowner's association (organized for road maintenance only)to violate it's own bylaws by assuming responsibility for property owners in negotiating mail delivery?

They have contract carrier service.

"Contract Delivery Service - Extensions of Delivery
If you live in an area served by Contract Delivery Service routes, you may qualify for street delivery of your mail. The road must be publicly maintained and kept clear of ice and snow in the wintertime."

Your roads are not publicly maintained.I have contract carrier service in Ohio.
If you live in an area served by Contract Delivery Service routes will have an HC box address, not an RR box address.

Never ceases to amaze me how "nearly third world" this place is: basic infrastructure (roads, power, internet, mail delivery) ranges from "spotty" to "non-existent".

Now get ready for the big tax increase!

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