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Danger on Government Beach Road (HWY 137)
[quote]Originally posted by cwaters

Wow, why take it so personal? It was just to point out that road is not all county road. It could be that particular pothole was filled by a well meaning neighbor with their own gravel and not packing it down. One thing of value you could add is if the county said the entire length of 137 (north of the Kapoho limits) was maintained by the county? From what I have read, there are large sections that aren't.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Someone told me today that you have a history of complaining about the waa waa roads condition and have an interest in having it paved. I think that is the reason I sensed a persuasiveness to your warning that seemed deeper then a friendly reminder. I am sorry your husband got hurt, sounds like the waa waa in its current and past condition is not a very safe place for him to be walking. Unfortunately for your political agenda it seems that 3/4 of your neighbors are against paving that road and from what Pahoated is saying it might be even more complicated. Im sure the side with the money on it will win out in the end.

At the moment as a friendly reminder I would say that most people wont have any trouble walking, running, biking, motorcycling or driving down the waa waa, it is a very special trail on this island(I honestly don't see it as one of our roads), I hope it stays that way as long as possible. I enjoy it every day and have never been inconvenienced by it, rather blessed by it. Aloha.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Afwjam, 3/4 of the neighbors in Waa Waa are against paving? Where did you find this figure? Some of my friends/neighbors in Waa Waa were against paving initially, but have now changed their minds.


Lead by example
Originally posted by Wao nahele wahine

Afwjam, 3/4 of the neighbors in Waa Waa are against paving? Where did you find this figure? Some of my friends/neighbors in Waa Waa were against paving initially, but have now changed their minds.


All the people I have met in person have been against paving, the only people I have heard for paving are those on the internet. Seems like most the people I have met don't have internet. The 3/4 statistic came from a friend of mine who lives there.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
100% against any paving!
Yes I drive the road 5+ days a week.
Originally posted by afwjam

Originally posted by Wao nahele wahine

Afwjam, 3/4 of the neighbors in Waa Waa are against paving? Where did you find this figure? Some of my friends/neighbors in Waa Waa were against paving initially, but have now changed their minds.


All the people I have met in person have been against paving, the only people I have heard for paving are those on the internet. Seems like most the people I have met don't have internet. The 3/4 statistic came from a friend of mine who lives there.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

So, in other words, no proof that that stat is correct for how the residents of Waa Waa feel about paving. I can tell you that some who weren't initially pro-paving changed their minds out of sheer frustration from how poorly the road has been maintained by the county. The real issue isn't paving vs. not paving. The real issue is how to keep Government Beach Road regularly maintained so it is driveable, bike friendly, walkable and safe.

I think you can relate to that feeling of sheer frustration if you remember how you posted about the speed bumps in Hawaiian Shores.

Those of us who chose to live off grid in Waa Waa did so because we love the area. The friends and neighbors I have here aren't looking to change the magic of Waa Waa. I have several neighbors on my road who are elderly and/or ailing. I want them to be able to have access to an ambulance if needed.


Lead by example

Well put me down in the against speed bump and paving of the waa waa category. I believe the road is just as accessible now as it will be when its paved. No doubt it will be paved, I just don't think it is a good idea and neither do a lot of others. I think that living off grid in the waa waa is a bad choice if hospital access is a priority.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

Well, we believe differently about how the road (not a trail) should be maintained. A lot of people in Waa Waa want the road properly maintained by the county. If that means ultimately that it ends up getting paved, so be it. That might get rid of the ATV riders here, too. Currently, the road isn't in bad shape, but once the rains start, it quickly becomes littered with multiple potholes.

Good to know you don't think we deserve ambulances coming down to Waa Waa if someone gets hurt. Guess you don't want them driving down Coastal Puna Pkwy, eh?


Lead by example
Originally posted by afwjam

Someone told me today that you have a history of complaining about the waa waa roads condition and have an interest in having it paved. I think that is the reason I sensed a persuasiveness to your warning that seemed deeper then a friendly reminder. I am sorry your husband got hurt, sounds like the waa waa in its current and past condition is not a very safe place for him to be walking. Unfortunately for your political agenda it seems that 3/4 of your neighbors are against paving that road and from what Pahoated is saying it might be even more complicated. Im sure the side with the money on it will win out in the end.

At the moment as a friendly reminder I would say that most people wont have any trouble walking, running, biking, motorcycling or driving down the waa waa, it is a very special trail on this island(I honestly don't see it as one of our roads), I hope it stays that way as long as possible. I enjoy it every day and have never been inconvenienced by it, rather blessed by it. Aloha.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

If you want to set a good example to spread ideas, as your Ron Paul quote indicates, then stop relying on gossip and hear say. My only concern is to have a safe surface on our road, this does not necessary mean paving.
you guys are funny, try living driving in the middle of Hawaiian Acres. The Government Rd between Honolulu Landing and 4 corners is in great shape and easily drivable for any car/truck at 25 miles an hour (they even recently took out a few of the humps too). My road you would bottom out at 3 miles an hour, try drive that daily... you never complain about that nice well kept road you have down there in WaaWaa.... no need to pave it, if you like pavement move to Hilo Smile aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

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