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Pittbulls - It finally happened to me
Believe it or not, Hilo has its own Dog Whisperer; his name is Carl Oguss and he deals with problems like this through Prosecutor Mitch Roth so Monday a.m., you should call Mitch Roth and tell him your account. They will investigate and take the necessary action. Everyone knows the Keaau branch of the Humane Society is useless!

Here are a couple of links regarding this man:

Good luck, and please give us your follow-up! [V]
Originally posted by Kapohocat

Originally posted by mailes

The police never came. I called and she said an officer would call me. I can't describe the aloofness; and they seemed genuinely irritated. I think they go through this all the time; where us citizens are like little children who don't know the law or something. He said it's up to the humane society; that there was no intent on the neighbor's part. He said "anywhooo", "you have every right to protect yourself, know what I mean". The Humane Society is a non-profit, volunteer group. They're aren't a government agency. I have the right to have police protection.

I'm pretty sure I come off to my family, friends and online buddys as "boy, if I were in that situation....I would..."

I can tell you what really happens now. The whole event must have taken place in a couple of minutes. I wasn't able to think. I remember not being able to find the door. If I stand in the middle of the room, there's two doors 13 feet away and I couldn't find the door.

I learned this from my Brother who works for the FD. He said when you call 911, tell them you need an ambulance that you are injured from wild dogs that entered your house and maybe still on the property, and you are bleeding profusely... . They will send a PD with the ambulance automatically. The system takes over better from there.

You better have some sort of insurance or when they bring the Ambulance all the way out to Pahoa and drive you to Hilo I could just imagine the ambulance ride (with out insurance) At least $3000 dollars. Ouch...

Anyway... I called the cops for a barking dog(s) seems two lots away they have hunting dogs. Tho, for the most part the are quiet (because they know I'll call the cops again) $25.00 fine. Anyway the cop came right away... and talked to the owners and they did get rid of a few dogs that morning. I am white and seriously I am intimidated by no one. Altho, I am big guy and from waianae. I think waianae makes puna look like Disneyland. So the cop was going I can write him out a ticket for 25 bucks but I gotta listen to the dog bark for 15 minutes. I told him you don't need to do that... the new law states you can go by my word and just hand out tickets. But he didn't want to believe me on that...

Anyway it's quiet over there at night now. But if those dogs do get out or loose I'll have my aluminum bass ball bat and pepper spray ready. I don't own a gun ... I use to own a shot gun. I'm thinking maybe I ought to get one and start cleaning it on my deck just for show. I'm not going to tell anyone to shot dogs tho. What if they miss and hit an someone? Could get really ugly fast.

I hope you get justice and you and your dogs are doing good. But if I were you I'd have a talk with your neighbor. Or find some friends to go talk to him/her with you.

Good Luck! Maybe we in Puna land can form a Dog Patrol and as group we can help each other out when this kind of crap happens. I know force in numbers gets results. I'd be happy to join a group like that.
So, my dog is ok; her skin was broken but teeth didn't sink in and no broken bones. I paid alot of mulla for her from Adonis and I hope her coat grows back. She's been hiding now and cowering instead of raising her ears and becoming alert. I hope she'll still warn me when needed.

I'm ok too. I ache all over and have cuts, bruises and scratches and a huge purple toe and my voice is hoarse. I really feel strange because I think I don't know how I did it, and that I escaped death. I thought I remember throwing the male but wasn't sure until I looked at the bathroom wall. I did, there's a dent in the densglass.

My plan is to keep my doors closed now. Keep my dog on a leash tied to my belt buckle and carry a knife until the situation is resolved.

The parents own that property and live on oahu. I talked to them today and they were amazing. They're going to help and they understood the situation. The owner of the dogs cannot be talked to.

Thanks terra for that info. The humane society guy called today, said he was going to try to get ahold of the dog owner to ticket him. As far as the law goes, that's all they can do. I'm shocked by that, but that's it. I'm going to file a claim for my broken stuff.

Yea, rainy, before I moved here that seemed to be the case.

I watched youtube videos on this subject and...I don't know...for me the world is a different place. I feel a little broken. I'm gonna take a vaca and get some psych help.
I would like to start a post of which roads to watch out for.
I live in lower HPP and ride my bike everyday. There are lots of streets I avoid now
because of dogs chasing me. I have spoken to people walking dogs along the ocean that
can not walk on their own roads for fear of being attacked AGAIN. I can tell you that
3rd between Paradise and Maku'u a few dogs have chased me. They attacked a nice woman
with a poodle. I think the other was 19th. Not sure about that one.

can you move?
Originally posted by Sue Nomie

I would like to start a post of which roads to watch out for.
I live in lower HPP and ride my bike everyday. There are lots of streets I avoid now
because of dogs chasing me. I have spoken to people walking dogs along the ocean that
can not walk on their own roads for fear of being attacked AGAIN. I can tell you that
3rd between Paradise and Maku'u a few dogs have chased me. They attacked a nice woman
with a poodle. I think the other was 19th. Not sure about that one.

I ride in HPP also. I have ridden to Pahoa, Keaau, and am planning ba ride to Hilo and back after I shake a nasty cold and work back up to riding 25+ miles.
I'm up on 23rd near Kaloli and often ride down to 3rd and Makuu and back using different routes. I've found that going down 23rd, right on 22nd, follow to makuu. Left on Makuu and down to 3rd is dog safe for now. Coming back I can either go up Makuu to 7th and over to Kaloli and up to 23rd, or I often go down Makuu to 1st, over to Paradise, up Paradise to 7th, over to Kaloli and home that way. These routes are safe so far. There are barking dogs either tied up or behind fences, but they don't chase.

The day I rode into Keaau, I returned on the highway, turned into HPP on Shower and decided to cut over to Kaloli. I took the first street which was paved, 30th I believe. I got a short ways into 30th and was chased by 4 dogs that ran out from the same property. Good thing I had some steam left in my old legs, as facing down four good sized dogs unarmed isn't my idea of a good time. I strap an extendable baton to my back often when riding. Knowing the attitudes in Hawaii it's probably illegal to carry any form of self defense. My other idea is a baseball bat strapped to my back. An alternative is pepper spray or mace, but these are a product that needs to be practiced with and that can get expensive. If a strange dog comes onto my property, and especially into my house snarling and attacking, the dog very likely meet it's doggy maker. It's the owners fault, but when it comes to me or mine getting attacked (and I have a 2 year old grand daughter living with me) wounded and disfigured (well, any worse that I already am), there is nothing to think about. I will put a .44 caliber hole in the animal.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
wow! I am so sorry that happened to your poor puppy and you! is the puppy ok? Did you take the puppy to the vet? You might want to do that even if the wounds do not seem like they need stitches. A large neighboring dog came off its yard to attack a small on leash dog being walked on a pupblic road by its owner. The large dog rolled both the small dog and its owner in the road before the large dog could be caught in a choker hold and pulled off. Even though the small dog walked away from the incident and seemed to have only a small bite, later became lethargic and seemed very stiff movements. Upon vet examination internal injuries from being thrown around were discovered. The dog spent several days at the vet receiving care. $5,000. worth of damages that the large dog owner paid out of pocket.
Terracore gave excellent knowledge and advice based on the governing animal control laws in your area. Document, document, document! Yes, request animal control to give the ticket, that is documentation, take your dog to the vet for a check up, this is documetation, go to the hospital yourself for a check up and you have that as documentation as well. An animal that attacks will do it again. The only measure I would use against an attacking dog is a gun and I would kill! I personally am a woman, I would not dare to use a club even if it had nails to inflict pain on the attacking animal. An animal that attacks is not an animal that is afraid, it knows its power, if pain is inflicted during the heat of an attack, it is not going to tuck tail and run away, it is going to turn and attack the one causing pain. Imagine now you being the victim of 2 attacking pit bulls!!! I have raised pitbulls before (never again), they can be very nice dogs, but they require responsible owners who do not encourage a hyped up behavior and absolutely no sparring with another dog plus careful training and interaction with people and other animals. It is a very time consuming job to ensure a pitbull is taught to behave against thier natural inclination to fight. If these pitbulls are used in underground fighting areana's at all then they are use to tearing small "bait" dogs to pieces!
GO TO COURT!!! Get this stopped, create a fuss, call the news stations, the paper, anything you can think of to call attention to these dogs and thier owner. Granted you won't be on terms of any sort with your neighbor, but just think - next time something like this happens, you might be laying on your floor bleeding out your juggler and dead before anyone knows!
Sorry to be so graphic, but really, large attacking dogs are nothing to mess with they need to be dealt with swiftly! I am afraid my swiftly would be to immediatley march over to the neighbors with a gun and shoot the dogs myself chained up or not! Yep, I would probably go to jail but at least the dogs would have been exacted my revenge for inury to myself and my helpless puppy!
Oh my!
Yes, I can move. I'm right handed but my left arm, leg, foot the whole side got it the most.

I know I can move because I hobbled out to the gate this morning when the police showed up. Yesterday morning around 6am I heard the guy screaming I goin' kill her, I goin' kill da do I goin kill da *explicative* chickens when dey come in my yard.

That's the guys reaction because I guess the dog pound guy called him. I locked myself in my house. But today I was awoken by the same screaming. mind you yesterday that went on for a couple of hours. I called the police and made a report this morning. He has, I don't know how many, maybe 50 or so chickens tied up in the yard under some tee-pee looking things.

When the police came and talked to him he said he was screaming because my chickens killed his chickens. I don't have any chickens anymore; since my place is 4 sale a guy came and got them all maybe 6 months ago, but there are wild chickens. I feed the cardinals, doves and a minor bird family.

He told the police they are $500 chickens. So he has 50 $500 chickens and a $500 car and make-shift shack. **They have 4 children, omg**

My intention wasn't to worry people and I don't want to dance with the devil unless my hand is forced. I just wanted peeps to know how the law works when it comes to dog attacks. At some time in the future when things quiet down I'll do what I can to advocate better animal attack laws. I'm going to take this off line now.
sounds like someone with a backbone needs to go put that bully in his place.

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