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Thank you so much for your words. I would do the world for my mother. In her time of need there is no way I can afford to just go out and purchase a motorized scooter.
I was hurt and appalled to see the way this person wuzzer and others were demanding my information and accusing me of being a liar.
I would never lye about something like this. I wish I was, this way my mother would be free from this horrible disease and I could spend more time with her.
I have tried numerous times to get the medical and doctors to help her and they wont. It is sad but I guess that's how it is. Once again, thank you! I appreciate it.
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Originally posted by Oregon Woodsmoke
I don't know.... If my mother needed something for her quality of life and it could be purchased for $400, I'd find the money somehow instead of begging from strangers.
There have to be some sort of disability advocates that would know where help could be obtained.
Personally, I have no way of assessing whether someone begging for money on the internet really does need help, or if they are just a scam artist, playing on sympathy or using an ill relative as a begging tool.
Exactly. That is why I wanted more information.[

I guess I am an ahole for trying.[xx(]
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I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
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Originally posted by Shoresresident
Thank you so much for your words. I would do the world for my mother. In her time of need there is no way I can afford to just go out and purchase a motorized scooter.
I was hurt and appalled to see the way this person wuzzer and others were demanding my information and accusing me of being a liar.
I would never lye about something like this. I wish I was, this way my mother would be free from this horrible disease and I could spend more time with her.
I have tried numerous times to get the medical and doctors to help her and they wont. It is sad but I guess that's how it is. Once again, thank you! I appreciate it.
It is people like you that make this site well worth coming too!
I demanded no personal information from you, I didn't ask your name, address, phone #,or anything. Personal information? you already told us about your mothers condition, I asked so maybe you could get help.
Get over it, all of you.[

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I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
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Zip it, please?
Stop typing for a second?
...and watch this maybe?
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You wrote "I do feel I have not been an ahole here about asking "her" to provide information about her status to back up her request." However, in your posts, you have referred to the original poster as a "spoiled lazy child with a bad attitude," "full of crap," a "spoiled brat," an "ahole," and a "lying sniveling POS," among other things.
I don't know if the poster is running a scam or not. If you suspect she is, all you needed to do was do one posting saying that the story seems suspicious and leave it at that. People on PunaWeb are pretty savvy for the most part and we can figure out who's on the level and who's questionable. Several commenters offered generic advice, which is probably all the original poster hoped to receive. But I think it is your barrage of personal attacks and condescending comments that many of us find so offensive and unnecessary. With all due respect, sometimes the best response to a posting one considers questionable is no response at all. I applaud your generous offer to buy a scooter for the poster, but when it became clear you had concerns that were unaddressed, maybe that would have been the appropriate time to take your own advice ("Get over it") and move on, rather than continuing a barrage of negative comments that have done little more than tarnish your online reputation.
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I've been on this forum since pretty close to the start of it. I still take a gander every few days but don't post much any more because of threads like this one. No one has ever attacked me personally (except the the person that was banned years ago from pretty much every Hawaii related site) but I don't like reading post that go so negative like this. If you question the person asking for help just keep it to yourself or state once "seem like a scam" and tell people to e-mail you if they have questions about your thoughts. There are a lot of working poor on BI and I could totally see how someone could have money coming up with a wheelchair. Shoresresident, I hope you find a wheelchair. Some good suggestions have been made here so hopefully you will.
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I followed this post from it's inception, this is her second request.
I asked her generic information about her mothers health insurance situation, and became more an more confused with the conflicting evasive answers. She attacked me when I asked her to "come clean" which means please be clear in your answers or in her case please try to tell the truth.
Check out what I said about the confusing/evasive answers, before you fault me for going to the attack mode. Like I said, I would have bought "her" a scooter for her mother, I actually know where there are 4 parked in Puna right now and could have arranged for her to get one on loan, I gave her that information earlier in her original post but "she" started a new post. All she had to do was tell what program her mother is on and NONE of this would have been said. I needed that information about Medicare/Medicade to get her mother a new scooter, I would have sent her the appropriate forms and information. Nothing personal would have been requested or required for that help.

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I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
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Wuzzerdad, I have had people try to play Punaweb cop before. They ended up banned. Leave it alone.
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