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The Local Results
Originally posted by opihikao

Originally posted by snorkle

I do believe HPP is largely supportive of Greggor(I hope this correct spelling helps my credibility. I sincerely apologize for the typo and thank you for your fine police work); I also believe HPP pretty much did vote as a block in the make up election. (Key words here- I believe)

The Puna Makai area (where I live)is generally more supportive of Roy. Many people from this part of the district were trapped in their homes and couldn't vote. They were not given the chance to "Make it up". I certainly don't expect that Roy would have won the primary; only that his additional votes would have created a run off. After all, Greggor didn't have a 50%+1 total until the HPP special make up election.

I don't expect anything to change; I just want to point out that Greggor doesn't have the mandate you think he has.

I know Roy as a mature, intelligent, listener, who would make a fine Council representative. I hope he runs again in a couple of years; and that election officials handle any possible emergencies in manor that protects everyone's right to vote.

With all due respect, snorkel, he is far from polished, nor does he have the grasp of what is needed at the core of Puna. In the forums I personally attended, Mr. Lozano's performance was minuscule.

What was his platform for Puna? Nothing was gleaned from his ranting about donations to other candidates.

Apologies, however, Greggor, albeit young in his tenure, has shown some sort of "moxy". It is admirable that Greggor has sustained the "'BS", and continued with what he believes is right.

He's a good young man, in my opinion, lest we walk in his shoes. No matter who is in office, WE have an influence all elected officials, and their decisions. He (Mr. Iligan) does listen....that does count.


Couldn't have said it better myself.I think he will be open( Greggor) and accessible in the future and willing to listen to anyone , and who knows someone might actually convince him to look more deeply into the anti gmo position, and that could turn out interesting.

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