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Geothermal relocation plan on hold due to lava
I'm on planet Puna and I live as close to the plant as Bob Petricci.

How about a link to that video you just watched so I can grasp the context.
Originally posted by Obie

"Geothermal development poses a potential health threat due to the hydrogen sulfide (H2S, a poisonous gas) that may be released in geothermal steam. At levels as low as 10 parts per billion (ppb) the gas can be detected as the smell of rotting eggs; at 50-100 parts per million (ppm) it can cause dizziness, coughing,headaches, and eye irritation; and at very high levels, which do not occur from
geothermal facilities
, concentrations that exceed 600 ppm, the gas can be fatal"

Since geothermal can't release H2S in high enough levels to cause unconsciousness and death the anti people should quit referring to the effects of high concentrations.

You are wrong - I believe you said you lived Kapoho? Which is upwind of PGV most of the time,whereas Bob P is closer and not upwind as much as you are, and as well, wrong about the possibilities regarding a blowout(CONCENTRATIONS OF H2S), as testified by Mike Hale who in fact did pass out as a result of the uncontrolled release event precipitated by Iselle
It's impossible for the H2S concentration to have been high enough to cause a 12 hour knockdown and blackout.

A 12 hour blackout would have resulted in death.The other people in the house and the pets would have all been knocked out and they would all be dead.

The H2S being released is sent thru a scrubber that abates and neutralizes the H2S. The small amount that was released from the relief valve unabated would have been quickly dispersed by the 70 mph winds.

Opihikaobob, we're all "wrong". Start with the USofA (the "Feds") , the State of Hawai'i (if it indeed exists), the County, and the public. All of us are dead wrong to some extent.

Obie has a grasp on reality. Deal with it. I'm delivering three (3) Spam musubi to "Obie" (cause he likes them) when I can find him/her. [Smile]

Oh, if you are truly part of Opihikao, I'm watching; as are my Kupuna.

Originally posted by Obie
Since geothermal can't release H2S in high enough levels to cause unconsciousness and death the anti people should quit referring to the effects of high concentrations.

Sorry - H2S from geothermal plants has caused unconsciousness and death. Some examples:
"In a geothermal plant in Kenya a photographer went into a manhole to photograph the inside of a flash tank to record corrosion on its walls. He was knocked down whereupon a person went into the tank to save him and was also knocked unconscious whereupon the third person tried to save the two and was also knocked down. All died and it appears H2S was the main cause of death."
"An adult man entered an oil separator room to remove waste oil from a vacuum pump in a geothermal power plant. He suddenly collapsed and died soon after... the cause of death was attributed to hydrogen sulfide gas poisoning."

Workers at PGV have been overcome with H2S including unconsciousness. Quick examples from recent readings:

"29 October 1992 Ambulance called for PGV worker overcome with H2S"

"8 February 1993 Two workers were knocked down by H2S fumes. One got up immediately, but the other required a few minutes and some oxygen before rising."

Obie - It's impossible for the H2S concentration to have been high enough to cause a 12 hour knockdown and blackout.
The small amount that was released from the relief valve unabated would have been quickly dispersed by the 70 mph winds.

Being able to state what is or is not possible without any data on H2S levels is quite remarkable. Obie, do you work for DOH Clear Air Branch? If not, see if they have an opening because your unsupported biased reasoning may make you qualified.

The H2S release started at ~7:25p on Aug 7, 2014. Wind data from 7p-8p shows a decrease in speed during this time - winds didn't reach ~70mph until 11pm after the H2S release was contained.

"[H2S] is heavier than air and settles in low lying areas... Sudden and even unpredictable presence of H2S, as well as the other asphyxiating non-poisonous geothermal gasses, causes incidents and the oxygen scavenging effect of H2S plus the oxygen thinning effect of the other gasses can make spaces dangerously low in oxygen."

Mike Hale has spoken several times about his experience being rendered unconscious when trying to take shelter and set up a bed inside a closet space. Best to really listen to what he has to say.

(Probably not going to earn me any musubi, but oh well. Maybe next time)
ironyak, I make one mean musubi... You like the "basic", or the "deluxe" musubi? You get one (as your research so far is exemplary, in the vernacular, albeit slanted on occasion, if I may say.). [Smile]

We're (me and my generation) maybe too old, however...Carry on.


ETA: PS. Mr. Mike Hale also stated (in a previous video, which I might find the time to post) he "had to go" surfing at Honoli'i because he could not breathe in Puna (the next day). Please, Mike. At least he got to go surf. Just saying.

Grinding down on a Musubi right now !!
Originally posted by Obie

Grinding down on a Musubi right now !!

LMAO! Love it, Obie. Rest well. (Ummm, is it a "deluxe" musubi? lol.)

Back to topic: The geothermal relocation plan being on hold is temporary. Perhaps it is time to rethink the ordinance/bill/resolution that allows for the purchase of properties "post-geothermal plant", at 130% value.

Further, perhaps this is a turning point for realtors to get "real" in their business, and make perfectly clear, what is described in disclosure as "surrounding area". Not too much to ask, although, that 5-10% commission is the bait. Most realtors I've met in 50 plus years in this town don't give a rip about ethics, morals, nor values. Worse, they live among us.

The H2S release started at ~7:25p on Aug 7, 2014. Wind data from 7p-8p shows a decrease in speed during this time - winds didn't reach ~70mph until 11pm after the H2S release was contained.
I was at a friends place in Leilani when it happened and although the winds were not at 70mph they were at least 35+mph. This place I was at, BTW, was not that far from Mike Hale's. None of were "gassed". Yes, we heard the noise. It was like a far off jet engine getting readied for takeoff. A quick check on google maps shows that his place to the center of PGV property is about 1.04 miles.
The relocation list was for anyone who was sensitive to geothermals operations or waste. Does not matter if you live 1 mile or 10 from geothermal, does not matter if you live bottom or top of leilani. Also does not matter when you bought your home, before or after the plant moved in. This relocation fund also says clearly that it could pay up to 130%, that has yet to happen. I don't see anyone trying to break any laws or gain an advantage by trying to be relocated. Leilanidude you keep protecting geothermal, yet you write like you have a few marbles missing or are holding grudges on some of your neighbors. Geothermal has killed a few of its neighbors already, while making hundreds more sick. Good luck with defending that last sentence.

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