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Hawaiian acres roads/community association
Justthefacts: "I did not buy the property yesterday, it's been 20 years and the roads were better back then..." That statement you made is simply a lie. I drive the same roads and know better. LIE!
Nathan , no i mean willy the roads were better. now there are more residents . there has been little to no material put on the road in over two years . years back at least once or twice a year paul would box scrape the road and he did a terrific job . i myself , use to pay for a load of material for my own road every year. but i don't do that anymore reason is , new people have moved in no one wants to contribute , so i would still be the only one paying for the load of rock. Nathan i am tired of name calling and hostility . i am more then willing to debate or discuss an issue .
So if you're born n raised in Hawaii, it's OK to tell somebody to take a hike? By that logic, if you were born on this island, you could tell someone born on Maui to leave?

Lee M S - it is NEVER ok to tell any human to move away if they are dis satisfied with a current ongoing situation .

We are born n raise both on this island and on Maui.

Never once have we ever even shown such disrespect to any one .

It is not part of any solution.

But in the USA you are allowed to state almost anything to any one as long as human rights are respected.

To us,it shows disrespect and a sense of being under educated .This is our own perspective .

This is Mrs.Mimosa

it is NEVER ok to tell any human to move away if they are dis satisfied with a current ongoing situation .

It remains a viable option. People can fix the problem, tolerate the problem, or trade it in for a different problem. This problem is well-documented, and has existed for decades without any kind of permanent solution. Time and money spent arguing about the problem does nothing to solve the actual problem.

For now, it's something I can tolerate. Sure, I haven't lived here very long (by local standards), and I don't want to move, but if I survive the rat lungworm/geothermal plant/volcanic eruption/climate change/lack of local employment/etc, someday I might want to take ambulance rides, and if those aren't available due to the lack of pavement, I will be forced to move somewhere that supports my needs.

In this case, the suggestion "well you'd better move then" is hyperbolic, with an implicit ("or figure out how to fix the problem").

$500.00 sent to Road G in voluntary dues,for G rd exclusively - switched to Road F

1. Blatant misappropriation of specially earmarked funds is an excellent way to have your non-profit status revoked;

2. If I had $500 to spent on road maintenance, I would hire someone to do the work and/or do it myself instead of donating it to an organization that lacks transparency and accountability. (If the FTR weren't collected at the pump, I wouldn't pay it either.)
the problem has gotten worse.funds have dried up considerably because the off island contributors are waking up to the fact that the "dues" are not mandatory . off island people are also becoming educated about the poor condition of the roads and the community center. and they dont want to give money anymore. there has to be a way that a private licensed professional company could take over . like a management company that many condominiums use . again no one is asking for pavement , just no craters in the road, so atleast emergency vehicles could reach people.
off island contributors are waking up to the fact that the "dues" are not mandatory

I seem to recall a direct-mail campaign which alerted those off-island owners to the fact that dues are voluntary, basically an attack against HARC funding.

there has to be a way that a private licensed professional company could take over

...and who will pay for this? The same people who already aren't paying?

so at least emergency vehicles could reach people

Sounds like excellent grounds for an expensive lawsuit -- someone should get on that, and make sure to sue County as well, so that we can all share in the export of our dollars to off-island legal teams.
nothing is free so property owners will pay. i believe that folks will pay if they see notable improvement .and the improvements can be small in the beginning but a small fresh start at a very old problem. not a lawsuit, everybody always thinks lawyer there are other ways of doing things to create change. HARC and HACA have done damage to themselves and will continue to struggle for funding until there is no funding .
Originally posted by Mimosa
To us,it shows disrespect and a sense of being under educated .This is our own perspective .

The key to resolving problems is respect. Thank you for setting a good example. Our property is in Eden Roc and the road maintenance issue is similar - no mandatory maintenance fee and thus the roads are underfunded. Fortunately so far there is no strife regarding how things are managed. My personal solution, and I don't expect that it is a solution that works for anyone else, is to buy a truck load every so often and fill in the pot holes I find problematic as it's cheaper for me to fix the holes than fix the car. I'll continue to pay my fees in the hope that it helps the whole community and that there will be enough like minded individuals doing the same. If it doesn't help, it's only money.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
the holes are to numerous to miss and too deep to fill with small load . it has reached a crisis situation in some areas. the idea of a private licensed management company is a possible direction to go. right now when you pay into the existing organizations its a mystery where the money goes., one thing is for sure 22% + is going to administrative costs and that is way to much .
I have not been here in a long while - for a good reason it would seem as the same folks or at least their psuedonymns/avatars are spewing the same half informed off the wall crap as the last time i looked. Mimosa? Just the facts? What ar you hiding or hiding from? In my tenurte on the HARC board no one has ever been ejected from a meeting. There is complete transparency for all financial operations and they are posted on the web site. If you are interested, if you want to get involved, if ypu want to take part in working to improve things in the Acres, if you do not worry about signing your name, plese join with the rest of us. Check out the web site, check out the FB page, check out Acre Heads and stop this BS in its tracks. I will never return.

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells

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