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Neurosurgery on the Big Island?
Hi Pam,

The next time you feel well enough to travel back to the Big Island to visit Tom, may I suggest seeing Dr. Jacqueline N. Hahn, ND at the Hilo Naturopathic Clinic. She is amazing and cured my wife of a serious health issue brought on by the stress of her sister being murdered. The same health condition that killed one of our best friends on Maui of over 30 years. Today my wife is in the best shape of her life, 100 pounds and works out every day after just turning 50.

Western Medicine is good for many things such as trauma, but sometimes too many prescriptions can create a whole lot of new side effects. Dr. Hahn was also able to get my step-son off of epilepsy medicine and become seisure free. His previous Neurologist just prescibed him more and more toxic psychiatric drugs.

She may not cure your lupus but she can help reduce your symptoms with an anti-inflammatory diet and increasing supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Also if you drink diet coke with artificial sweetener that can really make your symptoms worse.

A couple of years ago I had three kidney stones and I was in a lot of pain for about 4 days and not getting better so my wife made me go to the Hilo ER. Without seeing me yet, the doctor ordered a $2000 ct scan, said yep you have kidney stones, prescribed pain medicine and sent me home with a $3000 bill and no help whatsoever. All that $3k did was tell me how many stones I had. The pain medicine did't even help. I'm not a fan of Hilo Medical Center!

My wife looked up natural cures and found that taking a table spoon of olive oil and a table spoon of lemon juice together helps pass kidney stones. I took that and passed those stones a couple of hours later! About a 25 cent cure. The acid in the lemon juice helps break up the stones while the olive oil helps it pass. Sometimes natural cures still work, but we are programmed to take a pill for everything. The best way to avoid kidney stones is to drink lots of water.

I think Dr. Hahn can really help your lupus.

"I did not know that babies are delivered on Oahu (as an example)"

...well, yes, babies ARE delivered on well as at Hilo Medical Center, Kona Community Hospital and North Hawaii Community Hospital in Waimea.
Aloha mmbvd7! I am sorry I didn't include you specifically in my post. You too are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm praying that met Ca. is not the problem and that your care here is stellar! I am so happy for you that you are able to smell the Pleumeria and that your husband is a true partner. He is obviously a great guy like our Tom is!
You are definitely not alone. There are people who understand and care.
As Tom implored, keep on track with your treatments. I've lost count of how many times antibiotics and surgery have saved my life and the lives of those I love. Naturopathic medicine is wonderful and has it's place, but most of us would already be gone without Western Medicine.
I try to see the beauty in every day, and be thankful for the loves in my life, and take it one day at a time. Life is precious, but love is even more precious and never dies.
I had a cancer diagnosis in 2001. I was lucky it was a slow grower, and caught while it was only 3mm. It truly scared me spitless. If I hadn't had a Dr. who cared about me (Jan Hauser) I don't think I could have survived the diagnosis much less the surgical treatment. I too am a Type A, and the sudden halt to my normal life was unnerving to say the least. Getting the call at work that my tests were not "normal" didn't help either. I was also laid off my job of 5 years the same week and had to beg for my medical insurance to be continued for another month so I could have surgery. It worked. I'm still here, living and loving.
Miracles do happen. Please, keep the faith!
One thing everybody who's had Ca or another life threatening illness learns is that if we survive, we put aside the petty stuff and concentrate on the important things in life. I have found this to be the gift of illness.

I adore you all, and wish you good care, healthy outcomes and loving relationships that make your lives worth living.
May God Love and keep you all.

AND, Missy Pam, is Tom ever a "keeper"! Your love for one another is a beautiful thing. I can feel it from here.
Mahalo for sharing!
Kenney, thank you so much for your kind words. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Today was a good day. Yesterday was actually a good day as well. Yes, there are lessons to learn along the way, every day in our journey. Thank you for sharing your story as well.

Kelena, I'm truly wishing you the best. When there are the positive posts here on Punaweb, there is a great sense of community. I just sometimes find the comments that are meant to "slap down" others (when expressing their own opinions) a bit much. Thankfully, I have not met any of those people face to face (to the best of my knowledge). Sorry, on a bit of a tangent. I do hope you can get the care that you need and have the follow up in place that you require to live a long, healthy, productive life!

Best wishes
Best wishes
I'm blushing, Kenney, but thank you!
Tough issue ....reminds of the Charles Lindbergh legend.

When told by his doctor in 1974 that he was terminal and if Charles were to return to hawaii his demise would be immanent.

If he were to stay in New York - he may have a few more months.

Lindbergs reply was " A day in Hawaii is worth a month in New York."

Charles returned to Kipahulu where he was buried in the churchyard now resting with his host family and a number of chimpanzees that had lived with them "as their children".

It is also said this is the only known place where animals were buried with humans in consecrated ground. (churchyard)

The choice between medical care and Hawaii not a new problem ...even the prominent have had to make those very tough choices.

At least we have a direct flight ... 5 hrs from LAX and advanced care better than nothing....

An advanced trauma center on this island way overdue.

best of luck.
"At least we have a direct flight ... 5 hrs from LAX and advanced care better than nothing...."

Yep, from an airline who wouldn't allow flight attendants to help put a disabled person's bags in the overhead bins.
If you cant lift it .....dont bring it....for own sake and the rest of us ....spending $25.00 isn't the end of the world ...

I fly a lot ...the carry on debacle a pain in the rump.

newark crews testy ....welcome to the mainland.
The catch, Bullwinkle, is that some of us need to keep medical supplies nearby in case we get stuck on the tarmac for hours. It's not easy to let go of your life preserver and have it "stowed" where you can't get to it. I do apologize for being one of those pains in the rump.
30lbs of medical supplies?

best not be flying

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