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Honolulu Landing - to pave or not to pave?
well redo railroad then,
a. cheaper
b. can go from kapoho to hilo
c. when the lave come there will be time to evacuate the "other side" where ever that line is drawn. When decides to cross 130 it won't be over night without weeks leading up to it.

You won't beable to move your house like they did the church, but you can get all your STUFF out.

Paving the most ruaral palces we have left should just plain STOP. We need the materials on the main road for turning lanes and lights.

...c. when the lave come there will be time to evacuate the "other side" where ever that line is drawn...

EVACUATE?!! Heck we are just getting a boat for our once a month trip to Hilo! Here is the silver lining - Much less visitors to the tidal pools!
you still gonna have waste water treatment? Be way expensive for one boat, try one off shore barge mall , ferry out and back on zodiacs,
who's gonna be the Sherriff Bob?

Peter, at the last HPP meeting, after the volcano guy gave his talk, the Road Committee reported that the $12M would only be enough to improve the presently paved trunk roads all the way to the coast and to pave a limited number of cross routes. 10, 16, 22, and 28 were listed as most likely. (28 is already partially paved, I think.) Once all that is done, they will use whatever money is left to pave some of the busiest remaining roads. This is NOT what we were told when we voted. I abstained, having doubts that they could do it. Railroad (where I live) is supposed to be a hike and bike trail with vehicle access only for residents under the Puna Community Development Plan. The DOT guys have shied away from using Railroad for a through route because it wanders across several other cross roads, creating more intersections. I think there are other issues with Railroad, too. Anyway, I was told unofficially that they are doing those four roads to avoid funneling a lot of potential Hilo bound traffic onto one residential road.


Both Rob and Petah bring up outstanding points, 1. Improve existing roads to increase safety 2. Why ignore the 900 lb pink gorilla in the corner(improve 130) and adress some wayout project that detrimentaly causes harm and wipes out habitat? This whole thing stinks of some "Official" or group of "officials" has a vested interest in paving that road and it's not about the general public welfare or quality of life. As a collective we can come up with 15 to 20 other road projects that are dangerously over due for upgrades before Honolulu Landing. I bet they have large plots of land that need smooth access to develop. An escape route for lower Puna yes, Pave a stretch of wild habitat to benefit a few ? Whats your take ?
" Illegitamus non carborundum"
The wawa rd you can still go get pig. For some pig in the emu for thanksgiving is more appropriate yhen some fowl, nasty chreature that is as canibleistic as a chicken, will eat anything, pass.

I like pig. Smoke w/Keawi.
Now pave the road as an escape route?
Well if you ain't bright enough to get out, or decide to stay, before it hits the highway then you're pretty outta touch. The frenzy and coconut wireless will have the smart ones out of her path in time.


Petah, I'm not talking about the slow "hey everyone you have 3 weeks to go" kind of emergency. I'm talking about anysort of emergency that blocks access to lower Puna for any amount of time is unacceptable. They need an alternate access point for emergency response vehicles. The other alternative would be to have a large launch boat that holds three or four fire engines and a couple of rescue ambulance. They could land the boat in one of the Puna boat ramps then deploy from there and the boat would act as a base command or mobile fire station, triage patients and coordinating evacuations. In the event of any number of emergency situations the boat unloaded of fire/rescue equipment can evacuate residents to Hilo or even Kona or to Red Cross/ Military/cruise ships waiting off shore. The cost to pave the road is $3.8 million. I bet "Hawaii County Fire/Rescue Boat #1" could be had for around that price tag. Mobile hospital, off shore fire command center, rescue craft, mobile fire station, rescue ambulance, FEMA food distrubution point, fire engine/ ambulance capability, large capacity evacuation craft and so many other usefule things, all for a pretty cheap price tag.
I guess what I'm saying is we need a way to get out quickly and to respond to a growing community that has unique needs and will require unique solutions to accomodate all who choose to call the district "Home".
" Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
Nate SC
I'm guessin you're in SC. I don't know if you bought a house or a lot or not. But I'd been goin easy on that whick you are smokin this day my friend.
Where in the goldarnforseenfuture do you imagine any funding for any of that which you mentioned is comming from. After the fact declaration od a disaster? And then try wait, Bush has to come fly over to see, land spread some skin with Lingle and what ever Rep.s they can find that would dare to be seen the the fool on this rock.

If you been reading any of the threads, there is NO funding for that. This ain't Malibu Canyon, they ain't gonna have no barage of equiptment just magically appear.

What will be magic is to see who and what she seeks to remove. So check your karma and wake up. Smell the coffee, we grow it in puna too.
I got it, you're a script writer.

and the 3.8 price for paving? says who and with how much cost over run? You've been to New Orleans? this will be treated like that not San Diego or Malibu.

And then what a chain of cars on one road. You seen what happens on the road to Lahaina when there's a chink in the chain. People stranded in their cars on the wawa rd for 8 hours, yea I can see that. I got it pictured now.

No thanks

The money comes from your property taxes. Taxes have skyrocketed in the past few years but services have remained about the same. Wheres the money going? Government money goes to pet projects and why not create all kinda cool little projects to waste money on if were just gonna waste it?
"Spectemur Agendo"
Now I know your not here. We couldn't even't a paltry 3k from the county to a NWatch, yet! It's been over a year. Last years funds have evaporated, espicaly as I am no longer Tresurer, although I haven't seen it in writing, lol

Not to rain on your parade, we just got an inch this morning, but this county is scrounging for everything it seem to get. We don't have traffic signals at deadly intersections on the highway. let alone on or off ramps/turning lanes where they need to be yet.

We've been lied to by the HPPOA as it appears the 12 million they said they were going after with road fee money as collatrral for, was to pave ALL of HPP and now that's no so.

I was told to my face by the road crew manager at the time that I would never see my road paved in my lifetime. Well, I doubt that. I'll do it self before then, and bill em.

And I've been lied to recently too, and if they're reading this you know who you are, and now you know, I know. That you lie.

Sorry I digress...
I appreciate the give and take
And I'm really not here to pontificate,
but for those who think puna is fodder for profit
better not complain when pele makes it a lava pit.


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