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Upcoming IAU conference on Oahu
Originally posted by TomK

PM2 - couldn't agree more. A bit off topic now, but this is superb:

Always wished I could do the great pipes.
Had to settle for small.
FYI: Presentation about Mauna A Wakea/Mauna Kea held in Honolulu with Gov. office, DLNR's 2nd in command, OHA CEO, TMT rep, IAU reps, astronomers, and two lead "Protectors". Small step forward.

(*Post by Lanakila Mangauil, who did the presentation; Lead Protector)

"Just last night I was able to secure a presentation to some of the top astronomers in the world and the variety of astronomers of different age groups here in Waikiki. Around 30 or so astronomers and a few representatives from state offices. My presentation was purely about the mountain. Sharing with them woven with our chants the significance of our mountain in our spiritual beliefs, and how the spiritual beliefs are the factual movements of the environment of the mountain.

By the end of the presentation some where drawn to tears all were very respectful and very receptive. Lots of minds and hearts opened. Many acknowledged that they were very unclear of the situation here in Hawaii. And now some of the astronomers even in there farewells told me to continue standing strong to protect the mountain and blessings of hope to our people!

*It sounds like this article was written probably at least a couple days before in anticipation that we may actually be able to change the hearts and open the understanding of international astronomers."

*The reference to the article, is from the KECK Observatory, dated 8/12/15: (*Snipped - More at link)

The Future of Maunakea Rests in the Hands of Hawaii’s People

The international astronomical community has converged in Honolulu. The timing—in the midst of the controversy surrounding the construction of TMT on Maunakea—has motivated some who oppose TMT to engage these distinguished guests, hoping they will take a stand. Though well intended and keen to see a lasting, peaceful resolution, these visiting astronomers are not the solution to Hawaii’s longstanding issues.

They will leave just a few short days from now, returning to distant countries, yet our challenges will persist. It is our responsibility—those of us who call Hawai‘i home and care deeply about the future of Maunakea—to come together, listen to each other, and find a new path forward.

"...the spiritual beliefs are the factual movements of the environment of the mountain."

Factual movements of the environment of the mountain?

Anyhoo, sounds like a real tear jerker of an emotionally manipulative performance by Mr. Mangauil.

+1 PM2 .....

"...the spiritual beliefs are the factual movements of the environment of the mountain."

Come ON >>> What the hell does that mean ???

You said it, the word " factual " is in there, so may I please have a definition Lanakila ?

Amen Tom; I used to wonder if Gypsy was a native English I am pretty sure it's just good ol' fashioned ignorance "speaking."

Originally posted by TomK

"Is it a fabulously elaborate troll or do imbeciles of this caliber truly exist in this world?"

Believe me, they really do exist, I've had do deal with them for decades. I usually go with Ockham's razor. Have you noticed how gypsy's posts become even more incoherent as the day goes on? The explanation lies there.

We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
Oh, he's a lost cause, AK. I used to enjoy his posts but recently they've devolved into insulting and ignorant nonsense. He's now learned how to copy-and-paste links, so who knows what's coming next? Homer Simpson investigates Hawaii Island fine dining, golf courses, satellite launching, spying on dodgy countries, diverted streams at Mauna Kea's summit and cheap skiing lessons perhaps.

In any case, I was intrigued by what Lanakili had to say. It's like one of those ridiculous Mensa tests.

Place the following words into sentences that are as meaningless as each other:

spiritual, belief, mountain, movements, environment, factual.

I can come up with a few but that'll probably be for another day.

Good morning, hee-haw.
Wow, what a night A Tomk. Tomk you must be about done with that 12 pack and block of cheese by now( 5:50 a.m). Tom your posts start out every evening on the PW around 10:30 p.m with something sometimes worth reading. Then by 4 A.M you are down right laying some mud over those you continue to hate on or have no love for.
A.K pilot you have earned your carrot you have been chasing for some time now, hope you are the right color for Tommy and the astronomy community?
Well good old Tommy Boy has probably taken off his Small coat and climbed into his den to get some sleep by now, They don't sell beer after midnight in Hawaii do they tommy?.

Cake and ice cream too?
After reading the EIS reports for the TMT, something became apparent to me. In the EIS reports it states many times over how the TMT project will cause little to no adverse( even mitigate) damage to the summit of maunakea's environment. Reason being the other current observatorieslike the (Keck) atop the summit have caused so much irriversable damage already. Away from the EIS report I read about ( CaltechsTMT) little brother projects like ( caltechsKECK) atop maunakea. Caltech now feels like building their Disneyland would somehow be justifiable.
( lies and secrets), Caltechs TMT project claims no alliance to other observatories, or the tourism they will bring to the summit with them, in the EIS report. Away from the EIS report, The TMT is the final planned important piece( The hero project) to connect the observatory puzzle that perches atop Hawaii's Maunakea. The Keck telescopes and piggy back projects have either paved the way for the TMT to succeed, or its environmental concerns or lack of, have ruined the chances for the TMT to sit on top of Maunakea,jmo.

P.S. I am hoping The new age and educated warriors protecting the mountain are tired of all the unauthorized assumptions, lies, and secrets from Caltech and the entire IAU. The love, peace, and calm need to be restored to Mauna wa kea as well as the community. The desecration is happening to the people of hawaii as well as the mountain. Caused by the continued over development of the TMT, Tomk, and the IAU communities who continue to be the oppressor's, jmo.

I am hoping The new age and educated warriors protecting the mountain are tired of all the unauthorized assumptions, lies, and secrets from Caltech and the entire IAU

I am certain that the astronomers, technicians, and educators are tired of all the unauthorized assumptions, lies, and secrets from the "protectors" -- let's call it even and move on.
TMT... IAU... who continue to be the oppressor's

I would ask how they are oppressing anyone or anything but instead I'll list how the TMT & IAU are not oppressing anyone:

* Stopping or interfering with religious practices as conducted before the anti-TMT protest - No
* Stopping or interfering with cultural practices as conducted before the anti-TMT protest - No
* Water Table contamination or diversion - No
* Wekiu bug threat - No
* Instructing (indoctrinating?) children and adults with false information and claims that can easily be disproved - No
* Providing the children of non-protestors & protestors** alike with the possibility of a scholarship - Yes

** There are many places in the world where citizens would prefer to be "oppressed" with an educational scholarship for their children, rather than having masked men enter their village and burn down the school because girls had attended classes there
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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