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Rob, what happen here ???
I like what Rob does with Punaweb. Ive lurked on this site for years before i got interested enough to become a member.

Even at its worst.. PW is pretty tame compared to alot of sites.

If you want somewhere to vent go here..

But lets keep Punaweb what it should be.. a respected source of info on puna living.

Gee can you be "turned on" to a forum that your neighbor was complaining about? Why would you want to subscribe to this forum that your friend described as dominated by "bullies" ?
You give your reason of starting another forum "because there would be a moderator there that was receptive to the needs of the entire online community ". This sentence might make sense to you but the meaning escapes me.
I appreciate's my "go to" for first hand local information and thru the years, I have found the information to be quite reliable.
There are some class acts here and there are others that can be a bit abrasive.
I suppose if the posts bothered me to the extent that they appearantly bother you, I'd move on. Good luck with your forum.
Originally posted by glinda

I was turned on to by a neighbor who was complaining about the same things. When I asked them what they were talking about they whipped out their iPad and showed me this place. Later I created an account. My neighbor, who gave up completely, was talking about the very members that jumped on this thread to bitch about pog. She called them bullies, and a good reading of their posts throughout time seems to substantiate that point of view. My friend's number one complaint was that Rob allowed this place to fall apart. She would go on about how he used to moderate for civility and has given up doing so to the detriment of the entire experience.

One day we had lunch together and she asked me if I would put up an alternative site (I am a system admin that runs servers for local businesses) but we both wondered if people would participate. At the time we had the discussion I loaded up an online forum script and played with it a bit. Back then I didn't see the point, but now that I have been reading the posts here regularly, and after taking pog's suggestion and finding out what it was like before the current round of dominate players took over and ran the more mature crowd out, I have to wonder if maybe it's a good idea. At least then when specific participants become too dominate and/or disrespectful they could be dealt with because there would be a moderator there that was receptive to the needs of the entire online community.

I love writing and debating, hence I often peruse forums with my morning coffee instead of reading the newspaper. From my observations I rarely if ever see a moderator with the qualifications to closely moderate a board. One would most likely need a degree in psychology etc... There was one international political forum I much enjoyed however moderators were always an issue as hard as they tried none seemed to have a greater perspective to wisely oversee the board. One man's bully is another man's hero. Eventually that forum enlisted a physicist who systematically banned all the brilliant writers one by one until only the small minded and disrespectful remained.

Seems Rob is doing a good job of banning or issuing vacations to the disrespectful here.

"Eventually that forum enlisted a physicist who systematically banned all the brilliant writers one by one until only the small minded and disrespectful remained."

Just so you're aware, not all physicists are like that! [Wink]
I'd gladly donate my 20 bucks every year than set up a site like this and have to babysit people like you guys. Sorry that rob has to deal with this bs...

Probably one the best moderators around, you all should be so lucky to have someone that does such a good job.

Anyway... Thought I'd add my 3 cents. Wink


Please do go ahead and start up your alternative forum. Best of luck with that. Maybe then you will appreciate punaweb more.
I've been on this forum a long time now and one thing is constant: people saying how much better it used to be. But such is life, people say that about everything, even when it's demonstrably not true.

I think Rob is the best forum moderator I have ever encountered, and I've seen a few. Thanks Rob, for keeping national politics off punaweb.
There's nothing different here, and Rob does a superior job of moderation. It's not that punaweb is lost it's people. It's not simply changes occurring here but everywhere. Monetized forums, and or social media has been capitalizing the opportunity.

It's just that simple. And it's not simply Punaweb but 1,000's of older forums.

It's not the misbehaved, bad mouthed, arguments, not the good nor the bad who post as, that's a given all across the boards. And as for Rob, There's hardly a discussion forum where the moderators would even allow this topic to remain more than a few minutes.

Rob does a great job of moderating,, like it, his dedication, this whole existence while you can. Because, in reality, it like 1,000's more like this are doomed for the potential of becoming whipped out from profiteers.

whiners! Look a gift horse in the mouth, you'll never get another.
My neighbor, who gave up completely, was talking about the very members that jumped on this thread to bitch about pog. She called them bullies, and a good reading of their posts throughout time seems to substantiate that point of view. My friend's number one complaint was that Rob allowed this place to fall apart. She would go on about how he used to moderate for civility and has given up doing so to the detriment of the entire experience.

You have missed the point about pog. pog, aka airportparking, IS one of the bullies, which is why he/she got jumped on in this thread, for whining about others whining. Kinda ironic isn't it?
"What happen here" is great, largely because of Rob's moderating style and the posters who don't get sucked into the sewer by the trolls.

I do not remember a time when there weren't abrasive posts, or a time when the useful and interesting posts didn't greatly outnumber them. As previously stated, PunaWeb is tops compared to the rest of the online forums.

If someone doesn't like PunaWeb, why click your way into it time and again.

If someone doesn't like Rob's moderation, why click your way to it time and time again.

If someone doesn't like Rob's posts, tough. He does the work. He gets to say whateverthefusk he wants. Coming to a fellow's digital parlor and attacking the host and complaining about the entire estate tells way more about the attacker than the place.


edit usage
Coming to a fellow's digital parlor and attacking the host and complaining about the entire estate tells way more about the attacker than the place.

Like getting an invite to a Thanksgiving Dinner potluck, bringing a bag of outdated potato chips, then complaining the turkey is too dry for your taste.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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