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On this day in history 1967
pay a lot more taxes than you and they don't get any more county services

How does that make it OK to pay taxes and not get services?

My taxes just went way way up, but I'm still getting no services. How high do taxes have to be before services are provided? How about a price list?

We all share that nice modern highway to Hilo !

Exactly my point. The highway is inadequate; given the growth (and the lack of highway projects), it's unlikely that the highway will ever "catch up" to the need. This is supposed to be OK because we don't pay enough taxes?
That highway to Hilo is a state road and its expansion is a state project. And yes, the governor does indeed think you are not paying enough taxes. He has vengefully put the expansion of Highway 130 and a number of other projects on hold because his incompetent DOT did not get a tax increase they wanted last year. This was shortly after the feds threatened to take away their funds for not spending them fast enough. So if kalakoa sounds like a broken record on the tax vs. services equation to some of you, just remember, it is a message worth repeating until it is heard.
Originally posted by Obie

I'm not sure how I could have lead to the decline of HPP when I don't live there.

Meanwhile over on the Craig Crelly post the head whiner is posting more comments and assumptions that probably aren't true and certainly aren't helpful to your overall cause.

You can't help but post about appears Leo sees it and so do others. You are obsessed w/HPP. Good example is this thread, that YOU started about HPP.

Giving "expertise advice" as you call it. But you won't own up to your expertise when people have asked you politely for further clarification. Hit and run posting, nothing to back up your expertise. You outed me on PT, so you know me, and obviously like to jab at me bc I'm hitting nerves. You're a hypocrite as you've instigated a lot of negativity on HPP threads. Go back and read all the HPP threads. There's no accountability is there Obie if you claim you live in Kapoho?

You were at that mtg and you know what I've posted is true. Lots of talk Obie and lots of deflection. Remember when you fixed our website when our website went down 2 yrs ago and posted on PT you had done so w/a simple phone call to the ofc? Posting HPP mtg agendas and audit results....Not adding up for someone who keeps saying over and over they live in Kapoho. I'm still waiting for you to answer my question regarding the HPP June 2016 audit which you provided the link to...
So if kalakoa sounds like a broken record on the tax vs. services equation to some of you, just remember, it is a message worth repeating until it is heard.

Couldn't agree more.


"You were at that mtg and you know what I've posted is true. '

This proves my point.You post slander and lies.You and I have never met and I have never been to any meetings in HPP.

I started posting because I think it is unfair for anyone to post lies about people who can't defend themselves.You don't understand the bylaws of your community and you use your wrong interpretation of them to complain about your board.

I started this post as a joke.On this day in history was in the Tribune on that day.
The joke is you.
More deflection Obie. Your character's showing and providing me even more confirmation. You are an active and willing participant in breaking HPP bylaws. Look at HPP's last election. I have often backed up what I say by quoting the bylaws. You should try it, AND LEARN THEM. I'm still waiting for an answer to the question about the HPP audit you provided to challenge me on CS financing.

Sorry Rob! You don't have to come in and break it up. I'm moving on.
So if kalakoa sounds like a broken record on the tax vs. services equation to some of you, just remember, it is a message worth repeating until it is heard.

There is a collorary:

If these taxes are merely "dues" for the "privilege" of living here, and the services will "never" be provided ... stop pretending there's any "enforcement" and don't tell me what I can and can't do on/with my land.

That highway to Hilo is a state road ... yes, the governor does indeed think you are not paying enough taxes.

Since I don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of a nice road to town, then give my subdivision the zoning and land-use freedom to include its own services, so that my trips to the store can stay entirely on the "privately owned" roads that are "my problem".

What's that? I have to pay the taxes, not get services, and still be told I can't provide the services for myself? How is that fair to anyone other than the County and State employees who get paid salary, benefits, and pension to collect the taxes and spend the money?

Remember, "services we pay for" includes things like the State courts that are working hard to make sure TMT never gets built in my tax district... cops that won't protect a haole from loose dogs... flying planes over people's houses to figure out how much their taxes need to go up... issuing bond debt... extending the golf course into a nearby public road easement... are we getting our money's worth yet?
I don't think it's unreasonable to want services in your general geographic location. Nimbys aside.
TomK said
Comments, assumptions and an attitude like this from people who live in HPP, (I assume you live in HPP, leo), are much more relevant to HPP's "decline" than whatever Obie posts.
- - - -
Tom, I do live in HPP. Obie's abrasive dialog on HPP threads is not worth defending IMO. But if you want to defend her be my guest.

Maybe what I should've said to be politically correct is to say all the board representatives starting 2015 are responsible for fast forwarding the decline in HPP when they chose to put down that chip seal crap, and half as--d I might add, and leave the rest of HPP to go "downhill ever since!". These people made a deliberate decision which makes it their responsibility. HPP's dust roads and shoulders are the worst I've ever seen and they have the thick skin to raise the road fees? I should hire someone to fill the potholes and whack back all the shoulders on my road and send the bill to the general manager!

And when they don't reimburse you... put a lien on their property... might get their attention.

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