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Foam container ban moving forwards
Using foam containers in restaurants pushes the "end cost" down the road for it eliminates having a dishwasher position ($) and grease trap pumping minimum every 6 months ($$) as the dishwater passes through it which increases profits ($$$) by just packing their dumpster and paying the monthly fee ($) so it's the landfill expense of disposing. Just my thoughts...

Community begins with Aloha
the landfill expense of disposing

Exactly as I suspected: they're making margin on "externalized costs".
We better figure out a better way to package our products, or adjust our means of consumption.
Here's a sobering projection:

If we keep producing (and failing to properly dispose of) plastics at predicted rates, plastics in the ocean will outweigh fish pound for pound in 2050, the nonprofit foundation said in a report Tuesday.

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Just a suggestion...but perhaps they could imbed wildflower seeds in the packaging also..

At least that way the highways and byways will look better..
Now if they could figure out how to imbed a beer can with flower seeds... That would also be nice.

kalakoa @ 09:48:55-
Externalized costs = shifting costs and impact to others (hidden costs).
Anything the State of Hawaii or the County of does with our taxes is either
ineffectual, a disaster, or a boondoggle or some combination thereof. The NIMBY's and the "Protectors" stop anything else- however good or needed.[8]
I saw this bumper sticker on a truck carrying logs:

We'll log the other planets later.
shifting costs and impact to others

Mostly the part where the externalized costs aren't recaptured, such as when HELCO burns fossil fuels to generate electricity: they get to pollute "for free".

Foam container ban is less obvious; it doesn't cost County anything to implement the rule, cost is borne by the consumer who pays "a little bit more" for their plate lunch. There will be some job losses at the Oahu polystyrene plant, but those can simply be absorbed by whomever pays their unemployment claims.

Who knows, maybe County will still build that composting facility.

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