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A bit of History about H.A.
State law prohibits vehicular traffic on this 20 ft wide trail - thus it can be shut down

State granted an easement over the Volcano Trail to create "legal access" for TMK 1-6-13-56, which lot was created with NO road frontage whatsoever.

There are several other HA lots which are landlocked UNLESS the Volcano Trail is a "road".

Which it is; per the 1892 Highways Act, any government-created road which had been in use for vehicular traffic became recognized as a "road", which roads then became property of the new State in 1959. Many of these later went into "limbo" when State gave them to the Counties and the Counties refused to accept them.

(Use of the Volcano Trail for vehicular traffic is documented: Mark Twain once journeyed to the volcano.)

Later, State created a grant program so that Counties which accepted Limbo roads could then improve them. Ironically, these "improved" roads rarely meet the standards outlined in County Code.

Not that "rules and laws" really apply "for everyone", mind you.
August 27th 2017
HACA Meeting Minutes

HACA Council Meeting Agenda

Call to order, 3:00

I. President's Report- Klauspeter Jager-
i. Building maintenance-replace wood panels, trim and do patchwork on the building. Members will vote on building paint color.
ii. Shawn à Motion for board to approve $1500 for outside building project. 4 ayes- 2 abstention
iii. All additional expenses must be approved before purchases.

II. VP- Gladys Shade- Currently managing the Farmer’s Market most Saturdays.
III. Treasurer Report- Glenda not present-
i. July P&L- Total income $1,893.00
Total expenses $2,807.06
-$914.06 month

ii. Year to date -- $18,570.19
Total Expenses $21,956.98

IV. Office Manger Report- Ashley
- Post card costs will be posted next meeting. We saved money this year!
- Thank you Shawn for helping design and mail merge cards!

ii. Membership current 268 vs 243 this time last year.
iii. DCCA filing complete
iv. Taxes paid on the 3 lots

V. New business-
a. Handy Person Position- applications on file- still accepting new applicants.
b. Tree Removal-accept quotes for front tree removal.
c. HARC- Tabled to next meeting.
Hawaiian Acres Road Corporation 1
All Dates
Admin. IN 14,737.06
Emergency IN 2,979.99
HACA IN 390.41
Paypal IN 720.00
Road 1 IN 3,108.27
Road B IN 3,260.26
Road C IN 3,866.26
Road D IN 3,177.26
Road E IN 3,012.26
Road F IN 2,920.26
Road G IN 2,134.26
Total Income $40,306.29
GROSS PROFIT $40,306.29
Admin. EX 1,162.94
Bank Charges & Fees 9.74
Idependent Contractors 5,132.03
Office Supplies & Software 8.29
Taxes & Licenses 495.75
Total Admin. EX 6,808.75
HACA EX 360.00
Road 1 EX 1,481.94
Road B EX 1,802.64
Road C EX 4,490.86
Road D EX 1,552.89
Road E EX 1,562.49
Road F EX 2,560.99
Road G EX 1,879.80
Unapplied Cash Bill Payment Expense 0.00
Total Expenses $22,500.36
NET INCOME $17,805
Mimosa, pardon my off topic reply! Although justthefacts is defaming the boards of both organizations by implying some impropriety, I think the real issue is lack of paying members and interest. People seem less civic minded these days, and have less cash to spare.

Ironic the fuel tax increase works out to more than the HA road dues per year.

The county has left the road organizations in a bad position. They are subject to all sorts of slander, lawsuits, liabilities, and expenses, yet have no authority, no effective way to compel payment, and rely on unpaid volunteers for everything but the meager contracted labor and materials they can afford. They are being asked to do the governments job with none of the money or authority.

Ironic the fuel tax increase works out to more than the HA road dues per year.

...and it's for the same amount of pavement: none.
No defaming simply stating the facts as there exist and it is improper . no elections , not following any of the rules or bylaws . Two organizations that have gone rogue and are accountable to no one. It is the people that took over control of HACA and HARC that have placed themselves in a bad position .
Property owners have come to realize that HACA and HARC have ceased to serve the community , the lack of monetary contributions speaks volumes .
Mimosa put this chapter of HACA and HARC in the history. book As the end is near for both organizations
Mimosa, were you around when HACA ran a guesthouse on 1 road? It's mentioned in one of the early HACA newsletters.

I also heard there used to be a house of ill repute way back on 1 road!

Also curious if you've heard any stories of rippers getting what they deserve? Community action perhaps?

Two organizations that have gone rogue and are accountable to no one.

HPPOA and the Dueling Orchidland Boards?

It's almost as if all the large "private" "agricultural" subdivisions have had their "Association" hijacked to screw residents out of their money (after County already screwed everyone by approving the plats and refusing FTR to "privately owned" roads, and ignoring fire ants/dengue/coqui, permit-license-fee-inspection charade, helicopters, one road in or out...).

Price of paradise, right? Lifestyle "choice". Keepin' the country, country.
Maybe the ones with mandatory dues. Not HA though. No mandatory dues, not enough money to attract the hijackers Smile

Although, I do have to wonder if those associations aren't also full of well-meaning volunteers, and similarly defamed and harassed despite their best efforts.
Not HA though. No mandatory dues, not enough money

In some cases redirection of resources is sufficient. Local legend has it that if you want the road in front of your house fixed, you get onto the HARC board so you can point the work crews at your section of road.

Supposedly some (former?) HARC board lived on 7 between B and C, so 7 is really nice on either side of the "impassible" flood ditch.

(Yes, I have driven almost every mile of the HA roads lot.)

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