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Car Horns and general rudeness

"However, the law prohibits using a horn in any other situation, such as a greeting or honking at someone who doesn’t react quickly to a green light, he said."

I think I dislike unnecessary honking almost as much as I despise loud pipes.
Well I for one have no problem with the guy behind me giving me a light toot of his horn to tell me the light has changed and I evidently have not noticed. I think it's nice.
This is why we have laws.
Well, less horn honking in Hilo today on my weekly trip. Thank you.
I don't use my horn much because I don't often encounter a texter at a stoplight, thankfully, but I have considered installing a diesel-truck air horn in my vehicle to make those circumstances more rememberable.
Although it's not rude, this is particularly stupid. I still can't get my head around drivers waiting in the turn left only lane who wait beyond the stop line. They will be there forever unless someone stops behind them. I've never figured out why they can't figure it out.
No one is above the beep.
Thanks Lodestone - I forgot how funny Bernie Sanders is!
"Although it's not rude, this is particularly stupid. I still can't get my head around drivers waiting in the turn left only lane who wait beyond the stop line. They will be there forever unless someone stops behind them. I've never figured out why they can't figure it out."
There's always a percentage of the public with extremely low intelligence or way off tangent in the thought process while driving. It's apparently not common knowledge that the stoplights have a weight sensor that detects your car. Or maybe they're really, really old and think the lights are still on a timer setting.

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