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Nuclear Attack Siren Test, CDC Presentation Jan 16
So if I'm not in an area where I can hear tsunami sirens, I guess I'm on my own when the nukes start flying... I guess I can take comfort in the fact that I won't have 15 minutes of "knowing the nukes are on their way" panic before I'm vaporized.
15 minutes ... before I'm vaporized.

Just a reminder:

1) The most likely target would be Oahu
2) North Korean missiles probably will miss their mark, but then hitting Puna would be a random occurrence in the island chain in a very big ocean
3) Any detonation to our north, where all the other islands are located, would blow fallout away from us
4) If a North Korean nuke hits the ocean, there is no fallout
5) If the nuke is intentionally exploded high in the atmosphere we might get a EMP blast disrupting radios and electronics. This would most likely be the worst case scenario for Puna, again assuming we don't end up hit by a wayward, random, off target missile

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I’m not worried about it. What scares me is if our government caves in and pays the inevitable ransom Kim will ask not to nuke us.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
inevitable ransom Kim will ask not to nuke us.

Just hope he doesn't ask for overtime to not nuke us.
Or a retirement pension to not nuke us.

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thar she blows!
Originally posted by terracore
Will talking apes be ruling the planet?

You blew it up! Damn you! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! (sorry, couldn't resist!)

Are people only allowed to live for 30 years ... the ones who refuse and run away are hunted down by "Sandmen" to "put them to sleep"?
Traffic would still be a nightmare during the Logan's Triathlon.

Will Glinda's prediction of excessive industrialization lead to ... eating green wafers that were thought to be made from plankton but turn out to be made from PEOPLE?
Finally, locally sustainable food!

Or will they emerge from their bunker to find the world the same ... Kenoi mayor again, the rail system in Honolulu is not yet complete, the cesspool / septic debate unsolved, and Orchidland has 6 competing boards.
^This +1. What ever made you believe this was paradise? (Cue up petfect pool shots, empty milk containers, evil laughter, and Rod Serling's end monologue)
Thanks for bringing that full-circle. Before, I never described Puna as "The Twilight Zone", but now... I can't think of it in any other way.
I know a lot of people buy into this "madman" going to send nukes to blow us up at any moment hysteria.

Kim is not as stupid as his haircut. He wont waste his precious nukes to vaporize anything. IF (big IF) he were to actually attack he would detonate them high above the surface where the effects would be most damage in an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). And I doubt he would even waste one over Hawaii, even though its a military stronghold.

His precious few nuclear weapons would best be served over the mainland of America where the EMP would wipe out communications as well as the nationwide power grid. No phone, no lights, no pumping of gasoline, no food truck delivery, no heat, no running water.

The primary concern will be to keep the nuclear reactors from melting down when their backup generators run out of fuel (think Fukushima x100) Estimates range between two and three years before power could be restored to most areas, that is as long as civil order is in place.
The grocery stores are setup for just in time delivery, this means that they only keep stock for about 3 days before a new truck would deliver food. That stops because chances are that any car or truck/semi that was built after 1985 has a computer module that will be fried by the EMP.
Most Americans do not have any long term food storage, Most Americans have no idea how to grow their own food and might not even be able to depending on the time of year. Most everyone in the mainland will starve or freeze to death within the first few months.

Ive seen video's of people at Walmart on black Friday. its going to be ugly when they cant get what they want anymore.

So assuming that he has 3 nuclear weapons and decides to spend the last one over Hawaii, I would hope that people in the community can work together to pull through what may be years if ever to get back to some normality otherwise im afraid people will start eating each other.

But all this is again a big IF! What Kim is doing is akin to temper tantrum, and the US is looking for any excuse to start another war. It would be stupid for him as it would be the end for his little regime. And he (kim) knows it.
Hawaii's air raid warning system has made international news. I'm not convinced local officials have quite got the siren noise right at this time, but it's a start. I'll leave this video here for your comments if any.
I'm not convinced local officials have quite got the siren noise right at this time

I agree. Was it the pitch, the timbre? Or the interval in the rising and falling of the warning signal? Of course the buildup by state officials in conjunction with the test was minimal, stay inside for two weeks, and be sure to have a 14 day supply of food and water on hand.


Back in the days of the Cold War those sirens could effectively scare the heeby-jeebies out of a kid, and you knew they meant business when the tests took place. Of course we had a vast, more robust infrastructure to accompany their wail; Fallout Shelter placards at the entrance to our school, terrifying informational posters, news stories about people building fallout shelters, and sonic booms rattling the picture window of our homes as jets and bombers flew supersonic over towns and villages, hopefully on training runs when the did.

terracore -
Here's another fallout shelter scenario - - this one is about entering it as the sirens sound:

"Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." -James Madison, The Federalist Papers, 1787
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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