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Restricted Access to the Lava Flow
Originally posted by Greg

Lava viewing should be left open to anyone. People will get themselves lost and/or hurt from time to time.

The county should simply charge people for expenses incured for search, rescue and first aid.

So then do we limit it to only those who could afford to be rescued [}Smile][B)][:0]

Who ends up paying for all the rescues of people that can't afford it?

Today in History:
Daisy, the Honolulu Zoo's African elephant tramples her keeper to death seemingly becoming tempermental after 17 years in Hawai'i, 1933. She is immediately killed by police officers and her body then towed out to sea and left behind for sharks.
Maybe they can work it off passing out cautionary leaflets to other clueless people at the trailhead.[Big Grin]

Joe and Jane Public goes out to see the flowing lava. An unfortunate turn of events results in their deaths.
What would be your reaction?

Now it turns out to be your relative Joe and Jane who were the victims.
Now, what would be your reaction?

Or, throw in little Brianna and her brother Zake as additional victims.
What do you think the reaction of the public would be?
The foolish people should not have left the safety of their homes!

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
If the flow was on someones property, and they could safely access same from the side, could they set up a process to divert some flow to molds, mabe just blocks, or tikis or whatever? On your own land with no incursion into any others! This has been done before, and now I've seen the overall flow pattern, I can see how. Mabe the state and city should just let fools rip, if you blow it it's your problem, true custom poured lava paperweights, steping stones, bricks, custom molds! Millions of tons of functional material lost to the sea!
Gordon J Tilley
But Bob, the Volcano NEEDS Brianna. Its the only thing that will satisfy her and make her stop threatening our town!! Give her the girl!
Originally posted by Bob Orts

Joe and Jane Public goes out to see the flowing lava. An unfortunate turn of events results in their deaths.
What would be your reaction?
Stupid Tourists

Now it turns out to be your relative Joe and Jane who were the victims.
Now, what would be your reaction?
Damnit...they should have known better

Or, throw in little Brianna and her brother Zake as additional victims.
What do you think the reaction of the public would be?

Today in History:
Kahana Itozaki catches the Hawai'i state record Commerson's Frogfish, 12 lbs, off Ka'u on the Big Island, 1999.
"......To keep viewers out would be impossible. So, we are trying to prepare a safe viewing area," Mayor Harry Kim said......."This phenomenon, if at all possible, should be shared as best we can, and I believe that and we hope to do that," Kim said.
Until the area is prepared, possibly not until the weekend, the mayor is urging the public to stay away until the area is safe for the crush of volcano viewers.....

Today in History
Captain Vancouver arrives in Kealakekua Bay, Hawai'i, 1792.
well, I'm glad the County is doing something to manage the situation, because at least half the tourists I work with are planning on taking their kids, and kids shouldn't have to pay the price for Darwinian Award moves by their parents, even if they do share DNA.

Ironically, a lot of the parents are doing it because their kids are so excited about seeing lava.

What's missing in this loop is a little thing called INFORMATION about what lava can do, like change paths and spit out chunks. Plus these are people who've never set foot on a trail through lava until the night they set out, flashlight in hands, with their three year old.

Glen, I like your list. [:p]
As someone who got "stuck" in the traffic crush last night, I'd love to see signs 'GIVE OUTGOING TRAFFIC THE RIGHT OF WAY". I was *this close* to getting out & directing traffic last night, but it miraculously cleared up. It could have been really sticky if the lava had jumped forward & folks *really* needed to get out in a hurry.

I also saw a lot of A*hole parking last night. Folks in compact cars parking on the 'side' of the gravel roads with no room to get by...I guess they assumed all the cars that needed to get by were the size of their compacts! We almost fell off the road trying to get around one in our fat pickup truck.

I really feel sorry for the residents who still need to get to their properties near the parking lot Sad
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *

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